The diverse biological actions of retinoic acid (RA) are mediated by retinoic acid receptors (RARalpha, beta and gamma) and retinoid X receptors (RXR alpha, beta, and gamma). Although the ligand-binding domains of RARs share the same novel folding pattern, many RAR subtype-specific retinoids have been synthesized indicating that the ligand-binding pocket of each RAR subtype has unique features. Previously we have demonstrated the importance for RA binding and RA-dependent transactivation of Arg276 of RARalpha alone and in RARbeta Arg269 in conjunction with Lys220. In this study, we have examined the role of the homologous amino acid residues (Lys229 and Arg278) in RARgamma for these activities. Like RARalpha but dissimilar to RARbeta, Arg278 in RARgamma alone was found to play an important role in RA binding and RA-dependent transactivation. Since Lys236 in RARgamma was suggested from the crystal structure of holo-RARgamma to interact with RA, we also examined its role and that of its homologs in RARalpha and RARbeta. Despite the suggestion from the crystal structure, neither Lys236 nor its homologs in RARalpha and RARbeta play a role in the binding of RA or RA-dependent transactivation. It is likely that Lys236 in RARgamma and its homologs in RARalpha and RARbeta are solvent exposed rather than pointing into the RA-binding pocket.