Background: This study was performed to evaluate the prothrombin time in normal healthy people (102 subjects) by means of two thromboplastins.
Methods: Dade Thromboplastin IS (rabbit brain thromboplastin) and Dade Innovin (recombinant tissue factor) were used. Derived fibrinogen, Claus fibrinogen and in vitro sensibility of these thromboplastins to known amount of heparin were also measured.
Results: A different behaviour of prothrombin time measurement linked to different thromboplastin sensibility connected to the age was observed. A different fibrinogen (Claus and derived) behaviour connected to the age that may help to explain thromboplastin sensibility difference with the age was also observed. Finally different sensibility of these two thromboplastins to heparin in vitro was observed.
Conclusions: This result should be considered when anticoagulation is started with oral anti coagulant drug and heparin together.