In Drosophila, patched encodes a negative regulator of Hedgehog signaling. Biochemical experiments have demonstrated that vertebrate patched homologues might function as a Sonic hedgehog (Shh) receptor. In mice, two patched homologues, Ptch and Ptch2, have been identified. Sequence comparison have suggested that they might possess distinct properties in Shh signaling. In the developing tooth, hair and whisker, Shh and Ptch2 are co-expressed in the epithelium while Ptch is strongly expressed in the mesenchymal cells. We report here the chromosomal localization of Ptch2 and further analysis of Ptch2 expression. Throughout mouse development, the level of Ptch2 expression is significantly lower than that of Ptch. In early mouse embryos, Ptch and Ptch2 were found to be co-expressed in regions adjacent to Shh-expressing cells in the developing CNS. Similar to other epidermal structures, Shh and Ptch2 also show overlapping expression in the developing nasal gland and eyelids. Thus, during mouse development, Ptch2 is expressed in both Shh-producing and -nonproducing cells.
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