Objective: To examine the hypothesis that insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) attenuate endothelin-induced contraction of porcine coronary epicardial arteries in vitro.
Background: Endothelin-induced coronary vasoconstriction is mediated by two types of receptors, A (ETA) and B (ETB), resulting in calcium influx. Both insulin and IGF-I attenuate endothelin-induced calcium influx into porcine coronary artery smooth muscle.
Methods: Epicardial arteries harvested from juvenile pigs were contracted with cumulative concentrations of endothelin-1 (ETA- and ETB-receptor agonist; 10(-10)-10(-6) M) or of sarafotoxin-6c (ETB-receptor agonist; 10(-11)-10(-7) M). In additional experiments, endothelin-1 or sarafotoxin-6c were added after incubation with 10(-8) M regular insulin or IGF-I. These experiments were repeated in vessels without endothelium. Contraction for each vessel was calculated relative to the response to 60 mM KCl.
Results: The maximal contractions to endothelin-1 in vessels with and without endothelium were 158 +/- 8 and 200 +/- 21%, respectively (p < 0.05 at 10(-8.5)-10(-6.5) M). Both insulin (at 10(-7)-10(-6) M) and IGF-I (at 10(-6.5)-10(-6) M) attenuated the contraction to endothelin-1 in vessels with intact endothelium, as well as in vessels without endothelium (at 10(-7) and 10(-6) M for insulin and 10(-7.5)-10(-6) M for IGF-I). The maximal contractions to sarafotoxin-6c in vessels with and without endothelium were 54 +/- 13 and 84 +/- 7%, respectively (p < 0.05 at 10(-9), 10(-8.5) and 10(-7) M). Insulin and IGF-I did not affect the response to sarafotoxin-6c in vessels with and without endothelium.
Conclusion: Insulin and IGF-I attenuated ETA-receptor-mediated coronary contraction through an endothelium-independent mechanism. The IGF axis may serve as an endogenous modulator of endothelin-mediated vasoconstriction.