In modern medicine, several different imaging techniques are frequently employed in the study of a single patient. This is useful, since different images show complementary information on the functionality and/or structure of the anatomy examined. This very difference between modalities, however, complicates the problem of proper registration of the images involved, and rules out the most basic approaches--like direct grey value correlation--to achieve registration. The observation that some common structures will always exist is supportive of the statement that registration may be feasible using edges or ridges present in the images. The existence of such structures defined in the binary sense is questionable, however, and their extraction from images requires a segmentation by definition. In this paper we propose to use fuzzy edgeness and ridgeness images, thus avoiding the need for segmentation and using more of the available information from the original images. We will show that such fuzzy images can be used to achieve accurate registration. Several ridgeness and edgeness computing operators were compared. The best registration results were obtained using a gradient magnitude operator.