Genomic DNA from 57 unrelated MPS II (Hunter's disease) patients was analysed for mutations of the iduronate sulphatase (IDS) gene. The aim of the study was threefold: to identify the primary genetic lesion in patients, to investigate the correlation between genotype and phenotype, and most importantly, to provide reliable carrier testing for female members once the family mutation was identified. In 42 patients, point mutations were identified involving single base substitutions, deletions, or insertions. These included four new nonsense mutations (R8X, C84X, E245X, Y466X), six new missense mutations (D45N, N115Y, P228L, P266R, E434K, I485K, W502C), three new insertions (c70C71ins, c652C654ins, c709G710ins), six new deletions (c500delC, c705delC, c1023delA, c1049delA, c1141delC, c1576delG), and five new mutations involving splice sites (IVS1-2 a-->g, IVS2-10 t-->g, IVS5 + 2 t-->g L236L, IVS7 + 2 t-->c). One patient had a new seven base deletion in exon 9 (c1482-1488del). Four patients were shown to have complete deletions of the IDS gene and two deletions involved one or more exons. Previously described mutations present in these patients were Q80X, P86L, R172X, G374G, S333L, R443X, and R468Q. In eight patients, no mutation was detected throughout the entire coding region. Most mutations that result in MPS II appear to be unique. Absence of the probands' mutations in eight of nine maternal grandmothers suggests many mutations have arisen recently. Prediction of the clinical phenotype from the identified genotype was difficult in some families, and further studies using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction are needed to confirm the predicted effects on the IDS mRNA suggested by genomic analysis.