The possible role played by glucocorticoids (GCs) in the development of thymic stromal cell components has been studied in the progeny of adrenalectomized pregnant rats (FAdx), an experimental model which ensures the absence of GCs until the establishment of the fetal hypothalamus-pituitary gland-adrenal gland axis. As previously demonstrated for thymocytes, the lack of GCs early in ontogeny results in an accelerated maturation of the thymic stromal elements. Early expression of specific cell markers for thymic epithelial cell subsets and appearance of a well-established cytokeratin-positive epithelial cytoreticulum confirmed the ultrastructural evidence of a faster maturation of the thymic epithelium in FAdx than in FSham. A similar faster and stronger pattern of both class I and class II molecule expression on the epithelial cells occurred in the former fetuses than in control ones. Changes in the pattern of expression of laminin, but not that of fibronectin, throughout thymic maturation also reflected accelerated maturation. Immunohistochemically identified thymic macrophages appeared late in both FSham and FAdx but in higher numbers in these latter indirectly demonstrating their faster development. Finally, the maturation and turnover of thymic dendritic cells showed a remarkable acceleration in the FAdx. In 15- to 16-day-old FAdx thymuses there was a high number of dendritic cells which sharply decreased in the following days suggesting a massive migration to the periphery and/or in situ cell death. In parallel a new wave of dendritic cell progenitors began to differentiate in the FAdx thymuses but not in the FSham ones. The results are discussed from the view of close relationships known to occur between thymocytes and the stromal components, although a direct effect of GCs cannot be discarded.