We make here a preliminary report of the first 65 cases of tularemia diagnosed at our hospital pertaining to an epidemic outbreak occurred in the area served by the hospital. Diagnosis was made by the presence of a consistent clinical picture and the following laboratory criteria: antibody titre to. Francisella tularensis (tube agglutination) higher than or equal to 1/160, seroconversion or recovery of the microorganism from biological material. The mean age of our patients was 53.8 +/- 13.5 years and female sex predominated (45 women). Fever, lymph node enlargement, cutaneous ulcers, asthenia, and weight loss were the most common symptoms. The presentation clinical forms included: ulceroganglionar (69%), typhoidal (14%), ganglionar (12.5%), pneumonic (1.5%), oculoganglionar (1.5%) and atypical (1.5%). The analytical data did not show significant changes with the exception of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Streptomycin was the antibiotic of choice, followed by ciprofloxacin and gentamicin. The failure rate was 22%, and ciprofloxacin was used for retreatment in twelve occasions and ofloxacin in 1 occasion with a good response. Tularemia is an infective disease which can become endemic in Spain and that should be considered by clinicians, particularly when unilateral enlarged lymph nodes, prolonged febrile syndromes, pharyngitis with negative culture, poor response to beta-lactams and atypical pneumonia are present.