We report on two sisters from healthy families with a syndrome of severe developmental delay, ataxia, impaired social interaction, a seizure disorder with early onset but without epileptiform electroencephalogram changes, and a striking light-fixating behavior which was associated with retinal cone dystrophy. Additionally, they have minor anomalies including peripheral iris hypoplasia, bluish sclerae, mild anteversion of nostrils, micrognathia, ear anomalies, broad halluces and thumbs, hypoplastic toenails, short perineal body, "Mongolian spots," mild hirsutism, hypoplastic ridges in the hypothenar area, and distal axial triradii. Growth and general health are normal in both, but one also had tetralogy of Fallot and vesicoureteral reflux. Because this condition appears to be previously undescribed we postulate a new autosomal recessive disorder with light-fixating behavior and retinal cone dystrophy as leading symptom.