Backgrounds: Stress hyperglycemia ratio (SHR) reflects the acute blood glucose change in response to acute illnesses or injuries, including pneumonia. We aimed to investigate the associations of SHR with systemic inflammation and clinical outcomes in diabetic inpatients with pneumonia on admission.
Methods: A multicenter and retrospective study was conducted among diabetic inpatients with pneumonia on admission via electronic medical records from 2013 to 2019 in Ruijin Hospital, Shengjing Hospital, and China-Japan Friendship Hospital.
Results: The study included 1631 diabetic inpatients with pneumonia on admission. Patients of the fourth quartile (Q4) of SHR on admission showed significantly elevated systemic inflammation compared with those of the first quartile (Q1), second quartile (Q2), or third quartile (Q3) of SHR, including more white blood cells (9.1 × 109 /L in Q4 vs 7.6 × 109 /L in Q1, 7.9 × 109 /L in Q2, and 8.0 × 109 /L in Q3, p < .001), higher neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (7.0 in Q4 vs 3.6 in Q1, 3.8 in Q2, and 4.0 in Q3, p < .001), higher C-reactive protein (52.8 mg/L in Q4 vs 18.9 mg/L in Q1, p < .001; 52.8 mg/L in Q4 vs 28.6 mg/L in Q2, p = .002), higher procalcitonin (0.22 ng/mL in Q4 vs 0.10 ng/mL in Q1, 0.09 ng/mL in Q2, and 0.11 ng/mL in Q3, p < .001), and higher D-dimer (0.67 mg/L in Q4 vs 0.47 mg/L in Q1, 0.50 mg/L in Q2, and 0.47 mg/L in Q3, p < .001). Excluding patients with hypoglycemia on admission in the analyses, there were still distinct J-shaped associations between SHR and adverse clinical outcomes in patients with different severity of pneumonia, especially in those with CURB-65 score for pneumonia severity (Confusion, blood Urea nitrogen, Respiratory rate, Blood pressure) ≥ 2. In the multivariable regression model, predictive value for adverse clinical outcomes was higher when SHR was taken as a spline term than as quartiles in all patients (area under curve 0.831 vs 0.822, p = .040), and when SHR as a spline term instead of fasting blood glucose was included in patients with CURB-65 ≥ 2 (area under curve 0.755 vs 0.722, p = .027).
Conclusions: SHR was correlated with systematic inflammation and of J-shaped associations with adverse clinical outcomes in diabetic inpatients with pneumonia of different severity. The inclusion of SHR in the blood glucose management of diabetic inpatients may be beneficial, especially for the prevention of potential hypoglycemia or the recognition of relative glucose insufficiency in those with severe pneumonia or high hemoglobin A1C .
研究背景:应激性高血糖比率(Stress hyperglycemia ratio, SHR)反映急性疾病或损伤(包括肺炎)引起的急性血糖变化。本研究旨在探讨SHR与入院时合并肺炎的糖尿病住院患者系统性炎症和临床结局的相关性。 方法:采用多中心回顾性研究,通过电子病历收集2013至2019年在瑞金医院, 盛京医院和中日友好医院住院的糖尿病合并肺炎患者。 结果:本研究共纳入1631例入院时合并肺炎的糖尿病住院患者。入院时SHR处于第四四分位数(Q4)的患者与处于第一四分位数(Q1), 第二四分位数(Q2)或第三四分位数(Q3)的患者相比,显示出系统性炎症明显升高,包括更高的白细胞计数(Q4中为9.1x109 /L, Q1中为7.6x109 /L,Q2中为7.9x109 /L,Q3中为8.0x109 /L,P<0.001), 更高的中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(Q4中为7.0, Q1中为3.6,Q2中为3.8,Q3中为4.0,P<0.001), 更高的C-反应蛋白(Q4中为52.8 mg/L,Q1中为18.9 mg/L,P<0.001;Q4中为52.8 mg/L,Q2中为28.6 mg/L,P=0.002), 更高的降钙素原(Q4中为0.22 ng/mL,Q1中为0.10 ng/mL,Q2中为0.09 ng/mL,Q3中为0.11 ng/mL,P<0.001)以及更高的D-二聚体(Q4中为0.67 mg/L,Q1中为0.47 mg/L,Q2中为0.50 mg/L,Q3中为0.47 mg/L,P<0.001)。在分析中排除入院时低血糖的患者后,在不同肺炎严重程度的患者中仍存在明显的J形关联,特别是在CURB-65≥2的患者中。在多变量回归模型中,将SHR作为样条项而非四分位数时,对于所有患者的不良临床结果的预测价值更高(曲线下面积为0.831 vs. 0.822,P=0.040),并且在CURB-65≥2的患者中,当将SHR作为样条项代替空腹血糖时,预测不良临床结果的能力也更高(曲线下面积为0.755 vs. 0.722,P=0.027)。 结论:SHR与不同严重程度糖尿病合并肺炎住院患者的系统性炎症相关,且与不良临床结局呈J形关系。将SHR纳入住院糖尿病患者的血糖管理可能是有益的,特别是对于预防潜在的低血糖或识别重症肺炎或高糖化血红蛋白的相对葡萄糖不足。.
Keywords: clinical outcomes; diabetic inpatients; pneumonia; stress hyperglycemia ratio; systemic inflammation; 临床结局; 应激性高血糖比值; 糖尿病住院患者; 系统性炎症; 肺炎.
© 2023 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes published by Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.