Objectives: Using Y chromosome short tandem repeat (YSTR) genotypes, (1) evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the Lancaster County Old Order Amish (OOA) genealogical records and (2) estimate YSTR mutation rates.
Methods: Nine YSTR markers were genotyped in 739 Old Order Amish males who participated in several ongoing genetic studies of complex traits and could be connected into one of 28 all-male lineage pedigrees constructed using the Anabaptist Genealogy Database and the query software Ped-Hunter. A putative founder YSTR haplotype was constructed for each pedigree, and observed and inferred father-son transmissions were used to estimate YSTR mutation rates.
Results: We inferred 27 distinct founder Y chromosome haplotypes in the 28 male lineages, which encompassed 27 surnames accounting for 98% of Lancaster OOA households. Nearly all deviations from founder haplotypes were consistent with mutation events rather than errors. The estimated marker-specific mutation rates ranged from 0 to 1.09% (average 0.33% using up to 283 observed meioses only and 0.28% using up to 1,232 observed and inferred meioses combined).
Conclusions: These data confirm the accuracy and completeness of the male lineage portion of the Anabaptist Genealogy Database and contribute mutation rate estimates for several commonly used Y chromosome STR markers.
(c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.