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Last updated on Sep 27 at 07:21pm UTC

Prediction serving

Previous incidents

Sep 27, 2024

Prediction serving degraded


Resolved Sep 27 at 12:25am UTC

Upon further investigation we were unable to work through the backlog of predictions. Backlogged predictions have been cancelled. It will take some time before the prediction IDs report failed in the replicate web console.

Users may resubmit any of these cancelled predictions.

All predictions that have been submitted since the last update at Sep 26 2024 at 11:52pm UTC are unaffected by this cancellation of predictions.

2 previous updates

Sep 26, 2024

Website availability problems


Resolved Sep 26 at 05:15pm UTC

Queues for predictions remain fairly high for black-forest-labs/flux-schnell and meta/meta-llama-3.1-405b-instruct. All other models should be behaving normally.

2 previous updates

Sep 24, 2024 database maintenance


Resolved Sep 24 at 03:19pm UTC

The database upgrade is now complete. We saw a period of about 3 minutes where the website was unavailable, and all of the affected queues have recovered.

1 previous update