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Paolo Mazzanti

Dr. Paolo Mazzanti

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Paolo Mazzanti is currently a Professor of Engineering Geology and Remote Sensing, and a Geological Risks Lecturer at the Department of Earth Sciences of “Sapienza” University of Rome, a member of Centro di Ricerca per la Previsione, Prevenzione e Controllo dei Rischi Geologici (CERI), and the Co-Founder of NHAZCA S.r.l., a startup of “Sapienza” University of Rome. He earned his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from “Sapienza” University of Rome in 2009. He is also a member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Engineering Geology Committee, the Technical Committee 220 “Field Monitoring in Geomechanics” of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the Technical Committee 4.3 Earthworks of the World Road Association (PIARC), and an auditor of the Italian Association of Applied and Environmental Geology (AIGA). His main research topics include applied geology (landslides, subsidence, snow avalanches), remote sensing, geotechnical and structural monitoring, terrestrial and satellite radar monitoring systems, monitoring of structures and infrastructures, and geotechnical assets management. He is the winner of the prize “Young Field Measurement in GeoMechanics Engineers Award”, Berlin, 2011; the winner of the third prize at the poster slam of the conference “Field Measurement in GeoMechanics”, Berlin, 2011; and the winner of the Associazione Italiana Geologia Applicata e Ambientale (AIGA) prize for the best teaching contribution in 2020.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Engineering Geology
Remote Sensing
Geotechnical and struc...


Remote Sensing
Engineering Geology
Geotechnical and structural monitoring
Geotechnical assets management

Short Biography

Paolo Mazzanti is currently a Professor of Engineering Geology and Remote Sensing, and a Geological Risks Lecturer at the Department of Earth Sciences of “Sapienza” University of Rome, a member of Centro di Ricerca per la Previsione, Prevenzione e Controllo dei Rischi Geologici (CERI), and the Co-Founder of NHAZCA S.r.l., a startup of “Sapienza” University of Rome. He earned his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from “Sapienza” University of Rome in 2009. He is also a member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Engineering Geology Committee, the Technical Committee 220 “Field Monitoring in Geomechanics” of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the Technical Committee 4.3 Earthworks of the World Road Association (PIARC), and an auditor of the Italian Association of Applied and Environmental Geology (AIGA). His main research topics include applied geology (landslides, subsidence, snow avalanches), remote sensing, geotechnical and structural monitoring, terrestrial and satellite radar monitoring systems, monitoring of structures and infrastructures, and geotechnical assets management. He is the winner of the prize “Young Field Measurement in GeoMechanics Engineers Award”, Berlin, 2011; the winner of the third prize at the poster slam of the conference “Field Measurement in GeoMechanics”, Berlin, 2011; and the winner of the Associazione Italiana Geologia Applicata e Ambientale (AIGA) prize for the best teaching contribution in 2020.