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Dr. Xuefen Yang

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Short Biography

Dr. Xuefen Yang graduated from South China Agricultural University with a doctorate in agronomy in animal nutrition and feed science in 2011. The same year, she went to the College of Animal Science at the University of Missouri, USA, to study the trace element nutritional needs of pigs. Until 2016, she went to the School of Medicine, University of Wisconsin (Madison), USA, to study the interaction between intestinal microorganisms and immunity. She also serves as the deputy secretary-general of the Animal Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, the secretary of the South China Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, a core member of the National Pig Industry Technology System Piglet Nutrition Post, and a national feed quality and safety supervision expert. She mainly engaged in the research, promotion and application of pig dynamic nutrition and precision feeding, piglet intestinal health and nutritional regulation technology for fattening pork quality.