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António Miguel Rosado da Cruz

Prof. Dr. António Miguel Rosado da Cruz

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António Miguel Rosado da Cruz has been an Associate Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo since 2016 (he was an invited professor between 2005 and 2016). He is the coordinator of the Master's Program in Informatics Engineering; integrated member of the ADIT-Lab applied research center; and member collaborator of the ALGORITMI research center. He received a PhD in Informatics Engineering from the University of Porto in 2011 and has been PMP certified since 2014. He has almost 30 years of work experience in the areas of software engineering, 11 of which were in the software industry. He has published several articles in conferences, scientific journals, and book chapters. He has edited two scientific book projects and two journal special issues. He works in and coordinates funded research projects and projects with companies and has also supervised several Masters theses. His research interests are in the areas of software engineering and architectures, software integration, model-driven development, model transformation, code generation, traceability, and sustainability.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Software Engineering
circular economy
model-driven architect...
Traceability systems


circular economy
Traceability systems

Short Biography

António Miguel Rosado da Cruz has been an Associate Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo since 2016 (he was an invited professor between 2005 and 2016). He is the coordinator of the Master's Program in Informatics Engineering; integrated member of the ADIT-Lab applied research center; and member collaborator of the ALGORITMI research center. He received a PhD in Informatics Engineering from the University of Porto in 2011 and has been PMP certified since 2014. He has almost 30 years of work experience in the areas of software engineering, 11 of which were in the software industry. He has published several articles in conferences, scientific journals, and book chapters. He has edited two scientific book projects and two journal special issues. He works in and coordinates funded research projects and projects with companies and has also supervised several Masters theses. His research interests are in the areas of software engineering and architectures, software integration, model-driven development, model transformation, code generation, traceability, and sustainability.