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Sergio Curto

Dr. Sergio Curto

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Dr. Curto is a Senior Scientific Researcher at the Radiation Oncology Department of the Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, The Netherlands). He is involved in the patient treatment activities, which include treatment preparation and assessment, establishment of magnetic resonance (MR)-guided deep hyperthermia procedures and hyperthermia systems quality assurance. His research focuses on novel technology for improved cancer treatment using electromagnetic energy, which spans various research phases, from early innovations, development, validation to clinical implementation. His areas of research include magnetic resonance (MR)-guided hyperthermia, ablation, quality assurance, treatment planning, magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia and enhanced thermo-sensitive drug delivery. He works on multidisciplinary research projects with clinicians from radiation oncology, radiology, medical oncology, pathology, molecular genetics and surgery departments, and researchers from the academic and medical device industry. His research is supported by national and international funding schemes as Dutch Cancer Society and Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, and industry.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Quality Assurance


Quality Assurance
Breast Cancer
MR-guided hyperthermia
Cervical Cancer

Short Biography

Dr. Curto is a Senior Scientific Researcher at the Radiation Oncology Department of the Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, The Netherlands). He is involved in the patient treatment activities, which include treatment preparation and assessment, establishment of magnetic resonance (MR)-guided deep hyperthermia procedures and hyperthermia systems quality assurance. His research focuses on novel technology for improved cancer treatment using electromagnetic energy, which spans various research phases, from early innovations, development, validation to clinical implementation. His areas of research include magnetic resonance (MR)-guided hyperthermia, ablation, quality assurance, treatment planning, magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia and enhanced thermo-sensitive drug delivery. He works on multidisciplinary research projects with clinicians from radiation oncology, radiology, medical oncology, pathology, molecular genetics and surgery departments, and researchers from the academic and medical device industry. His research is supported by national and international funding schemes as Dutch Cancer Society and Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, and industry.