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Kamran Ali Chandio

Mr. Kamran Ali Chandio

Currently doing my MS Program 18 years Education from Shah Abdul Latif, domain of Geographical Information Systems

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Research Keywords & Expertise

machine learning
Data Science
GIS Remote Sensing
Artificial intelligenc...

Honors and Awards

Best Thesis Award

Faculty of Natural Science

Department of Geography University of Sindh Jamshoro Pakistan.

Awarded with laptop

“Prime Minister Laptop scheme” 2019.

University of Sindh Jamshoro PAKISTAN

Awarded with Scholarship

prime Minister Ehsas undergraduate Scholarship" 2020.

University of Sindh Jamshoro PAKISTAN

Career Timeline

Shah Abdul Latif university Khairpur Mirus Sindh Pakistan

Graduate Student or Post Graduate

01 January 2022 - 29 September 2024

University of Sindh Jamshoro PAKISTAN

Undergraduate Student

01 January 2017 - 01 December 2020