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Dr. Claudia Kuenzer

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Claudia Kuenzer received her Ph.D. in remote sensing from Vienna University of Technology in 2005, and is head of the department ‘Land Surface Dynamics’ at the German Earth Observation Center, EOC of the German Aerospace Center, DLR. Her personal interests have been in densely populated and natural coastal environments and river deltas. She has coordinated (2008–2014) the German–Vietnamese WISDOM Project (Water-related Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta) and the BMBF–MOST-CN funded DELIGHT Project (Delta Information System for Geoenvironmental and Human Habitat Transition in the Yellow River Delta, China). Furthermore, she had a Visiting Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS, from 2012 to 2016 at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, RADI-CAS, in Beijing, China. Claudia is head of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Thermal Remote Sensing, and is a Scientific Steering Committee member of Future Earth Coasts. Claudia is the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Remote Sensing, a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Remote Sensing, and acts as a reviewer for 15 SCI journals from the field of remote sensing, environmental sciences, and geophysics. Next to applied remote sensing especially in the context of land use management and integrated water resources management, her current main research interest is on time series analyses, as well as on the linkage of natural and social sciences.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Remote sensing applica...
Land cover and land us...
Time series analyses
Linkage of natural and...


Land cover and land use change
Time series analyses
Remote sensing applications for land and water resources management

Short Biography

Claudia Kuenzer received her Ph.D. in remote sensing from Vienna University of Technology in 2005, and is head of the department ‘Land Surface Dynamics’ at the German Earth Observation Center, EOC of the German Aerospace Center, DLR. Her personal interests have been in densely populated and natural coastal environments and river deltas. She has coordinated (2008–2014) the German–Vietnamese WISDOM Project (Water-related Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta) and the BMBF–MOST-CN funded DELIGHT Project (Delta Information System for Geoenvironmental and Human Habitat Transition in the Yellow River Delta, China). Furthermore, she had a Visiting Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS, from 2012 to 2016 at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, RADI-CAS, in Beijing, China. Claudia is head of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Thermal Remote Sensing, and is a Scientific Steering Committee member of Future Earth Coasts. Claudia is the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Remote Sensing, a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Remote Sensing, and acts as a reviewer for 15 SCI journals from the field of remote sensing, environmental sciences, and geophysics. Next to applied remote sensing especially in the context of land use management and integrated water resources management, her current main research interest is on time series analyses, as well as on the linkage of natural and social sciences.