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Bonto Faburay

Dr. Bonto Faburay

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Dr. Bonto Faburay is Head of the Scientific Liaison Services Section at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories' Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, Greenport, New York. His interest is in applied research focusing on the development and application of countermeasures including surveillance of emerging transboundary animal and zoonotic disease threats.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Molecular Epidemiology
Molecular and serologi...


Molecular Epidemiology

Short Biography

Dr. Bonto Faburay is Head of the Scientific Liaison Services Section at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories' Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, Greenport, New York. His interest is in applied research focusing on the development and application of countermeasures including surveillance of emerging transboundary animal and zoonotic disease threats.