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Junji Yodoi

Prof. Junji Yodoi

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Dr. Junji Yodoi is the Prof.Em. Kyoto University and is the Chairman of JBPA (Japan Biostress Research Promotion Alliance).  He is the discoverer of Adult T Cell Leukemia ATL, related to HTLV retrovirus, with his mentor Dr. Kiyoshi Takatsuki and others in early 70’s. After graduation from Kyoto University Medical School 1971, he was appointed as an assistant prof, spending 3yrs in Johns Hopkins University under Prof. Kimishige Ishizaka, discoverer of IgE. He was the full professor in the Inst Virus Research Kyoto University (1989-2010). He is a core member of International Redox Network, IRN, since 2004 and editorial boar member of Redox-related many Journals. He was a WCU Distiuguished Invited Prof in Ewha Womans Univ. Seoul. (2011-2013) He opened JBPA Inst for Redox Translational Research at Rakunan ACT_Kyoto (Advanced Chemical Technology Center in Kyoto) supported by ASTEM (Advanced Scientific Technology & Management Reserch Institute of Kyoto), Kyoto Univ and METI in Nov 2013. His honors includes: President's Honor Award International Society for Pathophysiology 1998, First Prize of the 42nd Erwin von Baelz Prize 2005, 1st Daniel L. Gilbert Memorial Lecturer Award in The Oxygen Club Of Greater Washington D.C 2006, The Oxygen Club of California OCC 2010 The Science and Humanity Award 2010.

Research Keywords & Expertise

redox regulation
Thioredoxin family


redox regulation
Thioredoxin family

Short Biography

Dr. Junji Yodoi is the Prof.Em. Kyoto University and is the Chairman of JBPA (Japan Biostress Research Promotion Alliance).  He is the discoverer of Adult T Cell Leukemia ATL, related to HTLV retrovirus, with his mentor Dr. Kiyoshi Takatsuki and others in early 70’s. After graduation from Kyoto University Medical School 1971, he was appointed as an assistant prof, spending 3yrs in Johns Hopkins University under Prof. Kimishige Ishizaka, discoverer of IgE. He was the full professor in the Inst Virus Research Kyoto University (1989-2010). He is a core member of International Redox Network, IRN, since 2004 and editorial boar member of Redox-related many Journals. He was a WCU Distiuguished Invited Prof in Ewha Womans Univ. Seoul. (2011-2013) He opened JBPA Inst for Redox Translational Research at Rakunan ACT_Kyoto (Advanced Chemical Technology Center in Kyoto) supported by ASTEM (Advanced Scientific Technology & Management Reserch Institute of Kyoto), Kyoto Univ and METI in Nov 2013. His honors includes: President's Honor Award International Society for Pathophysiology 1998, First Prize of the 42nd Erwin von Baelz Prize 2005, 1st Daniel L. Gilbert Memorial Lecturer Award in The Oxygen Club Of Greater Washington D.C 2006, The Oxygen Club of California OCC 2010 The Science and Humanity Award 2010.