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Yan Zhao

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Short Biography

1. Yan Zhao, Associate Professor, Doctoral supervisor. 2. 2005.09–2010.06, Nanjing Agricultural University, College of Food Science and Technology, Food Science, Ph. 3. 2010.07–2016.12, Henan University of Technology, College of Food Science and Technology, Lecturer; 2016.12–2023.01, Henan University of Technology, College of Food Science and Technology, Associate Professor; 2023.01–Present, Henan University of Technology, School of Food and Strategic Reserves, Associate Professor. 4. Interests: theory and technology of grain storage; quality control of stored grain; preservation and storage of agricultural products. 5. Yan Zhao presided over two national scientific research projects, two provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, and two local and municipal scientific research projects. As a scientific research backbone, she participated in two national key research and development programs and four Natural Science Foundation projects.