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Rocío Pérez de Prado

Dr. Rocío Pérez de Prado

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Rocío Pérez de Prado received the M.S. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from University of Seville, Spain, in 2008 and the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunication Engineering with European Mention from University of Jaén, Spain, in 2011. At present, she is an Associate Professor (profesor Titular de Universidad) at the Telecommunication Engineering Department at the University of Jaén, Spain, with 15 years of research experience. Her current research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, Cloud-Edge-IoT, and telecommunications. She has authored more than 50 publications (more than 30 indexed in JCR) and works as editor in diverse JCR-indexed journals such as Applied Soft Computing, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Automation & Soft-Computing, and Energies, and belongs to the reviewer board of more than 40 JCR-indexed journals and Technical Program Committee (TCP) member in 30 international conferences in the field of artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Since 2021 she works as an expert for the European Commission, and since 2020 she has been an external evaluator and member of project selection committees of the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development, Peru. In 2021 she was appointed as IEEE Senior Member.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Cloud Computing
Grid Computing
machine learning
fog computing


Grid Computing
Cloud Computing
machine learning

Short Biography

Rocío Pérez de Prado received the M.S. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from University of Seville, Spain, in 2008 and the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunication Engineering with European Mention from University of Jaén, Spain, in 2011. At present, she is an Associate Professor (profesor Titular de Universidad) at the Telecommunication Engineering Department at the University of Jaén, Spain, with 15 years of research experience. Her current research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, Cloud-Edge-IoT, and telecommunications. She has authored more than 50 publications (more than 30 indexed in JCR) and works as editor in diverse JCR-indexed journals such as Applied Soft Computing, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Automation & Soft-Computing, and Energies, and belongs to the reviewer board of more than 40 JCR-indexed journals and Technical Program Committee (TCP) member in 30 international conferences in the field of artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Since 2021 she works as an expert for the European Commission, and since 2020 she has been an external evaluator and member of project selection committees of the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development, Peru. In 2021 she was appointed as IEEE Senior Member.