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Dr. Huiqin Ma

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Short Biography

Prof. Dr. Huiqin Ma is a professor in the Department of Fruit Tree Sciences at the China Agricultural University. She received her B.Sc. in Horticulture from Hebei Agricultural University in 1991, an M.Sc. in Viticulture from the same university in 1994, and a Ph.D. from China Agricultural University in 1997. From 2000 to 2002, she was a postdoc at the Institute for Wine Biotechnology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. She was the coordinator of CAU and Wageningen UR, International Horticulture and Management co-program (IHM), an invited professor of the EU Erasmus Mundus Vintage Master Program (France, Italy, Portugal), a visiting scholar at Missouri State University, and a support scientist of the Henan Agriculture Program Evaluation Team, Asian Development Bank. Her main research interests include grape molecular biology, wine marketing, and fig.