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Maria Antonia Brovelli

Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli

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She is a Professor of GIS at the Politecnico di Milano (PoliMI) and a member of the School of Doctoral Studies in Data Science at “Roma La Sapienza” University. She was the Vice-Rector of PoliMI for the Como Campus (2011-2016) and is currently the head of the GEOLab (Geomatics and Earth Observation Lab) of the PoliMI. She is the Deputy Chair of the ISPRS TC on Spatial Information Science, a former member of ESA ACEO (Advisory Committee of Earth Observation), co-chair of the United Nations Open GIS Initiative, Chair of the UN-GGIM (Global Geospatial Information Management) Academic Network, and mentor of the PoliMI Chapter of YouthMappers (PoliMappers). Moreover, she is the Associate Editor of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information and is Responsible for the area of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence. Her research activity is in the field of geomatics. Her interests have been various, starting from geodesy and radar-altimetry and moving later to GIS, webGIS, geospatial web platforms, VGI, Citizen Science, Big Geo Data, and geoAI. She is participating in and leading research on these topics within the frameworks of both national and international projects and scientific networks. One of her main interests is Open-Source GIS, where she is playing a leading role worldwide.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Citizen Science
GIS analysis
Open Data
Open Source Software


Open Source Software
Open Data
Citizen Science
GIS analysis
Gis and mapping
GIS and Geospatial technology

Short Biography

She is a Professor of GIS at the Politecnico di Milano (PoliMI) and a member of the School of Doctoral Studies in Data Science at “Roma La Sapienza” University. She was the Vice-Rector of PoliMI for the Como Campus (2011-2016) and is currently the head of the GEOLab (Geomatics and Earth Observation Lab) of the PoliMI. She is the Deputy Chair of the ISPRS TC on Spatial Information Science, a former member of ESA ACEO (Advisory Committee of Earth Observation), co-chair of the United Nations Open GIS Initiative, Chair of the UN-GGIM (Global Geospatial Information Management) Academic Network, and mentor of the PoliMI Chapter of YouthMappers (PoliMappers). Moreover, she is the Associate Editor of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information and is Responsible for the area of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence. Her research activity is in the field of geomatics. Her interests have been various, starting from geodesy and radar-altimetry and moving later to GIS, webGIS, geospatial web platforms, VGI, Citizen Science, Big Geo Data, and geoAI. She is participating in and leading research on these topics within the frameworks of both national and international projects and scientific networks. One of her main interests is Open-Source GIS, where she is playing a leading role worldwide.

Honors and Awards

Sol Katz Award

The Sol Katz Award for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software (GFOSS) is awarded annually by OSGeo to individuals who have demonstrated leadership in the GFOSS community. Recipients of the award have contributed significantly through their activities to advance open source ideals in the geospatial realm.