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Ms. Alina Vladimirovna Nitsenko

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Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Vacuum Processes Laboratory of the Institute of Metallurgy and Beneficiation JSC (Satpayev University). She has been working at the Institute since 2008. In recent years, she has been the project manager and implementer of a number of grant projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific works can be found in the author’s scientometric data sections: Web of Science ResearcherID: O-6379-2017; ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6753-0936; Scopus Author ID: 57215857716. Keywords: metallurgy, vacuum, ecology, distillation, refining, extraction, vapor pressure, composites, rare metals

Research Keywords & Expertise

tellurium and compound...
pressure and temperatu...
Processing and alloyin...


tellurium and compounds
Processing and alloying

Short Biography

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Vacuum Processes Laboratory of the Institute of Metallurgy and Beneficiation JSC (Satpayev University). She has been working at the Institute since 2008. In recent years, she has been the project manager and implementer of a number of grant projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific works can be found in the author’s scientometric data sections: Web of Science ResearcherID: O-6379-2017; ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6753-0936; Scopus Author ID: 57215857716. Keywords: metallurgy, vacuum, ecology, distillation, refining, extraction, vapor pressure, composites, rare metals