SWISSCMX CM Supports are an innovative support for serial data collection from micro-crystals

The SWISSMX CM supports are designed for high throughput serial data collection from micro-crystals at synchrotrons and XFELS. SWISSMX CMs are designed and engineered by scientists of the Macromolecular Crystallography group and the Laboratory of  Micro and Nanotechnology at the Paul Scherrer Institute in collaboration with the Institute of Polymer Nanotechnology at Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz.  The polymer-based ultra-thin porous membranes present users with an effective and accessible product for use at MX beamlines.

SWISSMX CM Supports Low Background Ultra Thin Porous Membranes

  • Amorphous COC (Cyclic Olefin Copolymer) for low X-ray scattering
  • Microfabricated film with imprinted perforations

Blotting Function

  • Easy deposition of drop-scale samples
  • Efficient blotting to minimize background
  • Hydrophilic surface properties help to retain a thin hydration film around the crystals

Designed to be used at cryogenic temperatures

  • Dimensions designed for fitting in standard (cryo)streams
  • Flash-cooling possible in cryojet or liquid nitrogen
  • Room temperature use possible: compatible with humidifying jets, enclosure possible

Extensive Compatibility

  • SPINE base or ALS style base
  • Compatible with Uni-puck and with SPINE pucks (cryovial)
  • Compatible with a number of sample changers including the new TELL at Swiss Light Source and SwissFEL SwissMX

Additional Benefits

  • High transparency for excellent visibility and imaging
  • Built-in 100 µm period scale

Link to a publication detailing the fabrication of SWISSMXCM Supports:


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