Aug 31, 2024

​10 phrases that can motivate a lazy kid to be active​

Getting kids motivated to be active can be a big challenge

Using positive and encouraging phrases can spark enthusiasm and help them see the fun and benefits of physical activity. Here are a few motivating phrases to get a lazy kid moving:

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"Let’s try this fun exercise!"

Transforming activities they enjoy into a form of exercise can make physical activity more appealing. For instance, if they love playing video games, create a game-based workout where they earn rewards for completing physical challenges.

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“You are so strong! Let’s do this!”

Help them visualize the benefits of regular activity. Emphasize how staying active can make them stronger, more energetic, and better at sports or activities they enjoy.

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"Let’s have a mini-adventure today!"

Explain outdoor activities as exciting adventures rather than chores. Exploring a park, biking, or even a nature walk can feel like an adventure, making the idea of being active more appealing.

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"You are a superhero!"

Associate physical activity with something they admire, like superheroes. Explain that just like their favorite heroes train to stay strong, they can too, by being active and having fun.

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"How about we create a fun exercise challenge together?"

Turning activity into a game or challenge can be motivating. Make it a friendly competition, setting small goals and rewards for achieving them to keep them engaged and excited.

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"Every step you take today brings you closer to your goal!"

Highlight the progress they make with each activity. Whether it's improving in a sport or just staying active, remind them that every bit of effort contributes to reaching their goals.

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"Let’s dance to your favorite songs and have a dance party!"

Dancing is a fun way to be active without it feeling like exercise. Create a playlist of their favorite songs and have a spontaneous dance party to get them moving and having fun.

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"Your body will thank you for all the energy you’re putting into it!"

Focus on the positive outcomes of physical activity. Explain how being active can boost their mood, energy levels, and overall well-being, making them feel great.

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"How about a game of tag or hide and seek?"

Suggest playing a classic, energetic game. Activities like tag or hide and seek are not only fun but also involve a lot of movement, making exercise enjoyable and less of a chore.

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"Let’s explore new activities and find something you really enjoy!"

Encourage them to try different activities to find what they like best. Whether it's swimming, biking, or a team sport, exploring various options can help them discover an activity they are passionate about.

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Next: 10 baby boy names inspired by the Moon