Aug 29, 2024

​8 animals that have the loudest voice and call

Aakanksha Sharma

Loud call animals

Sound, and voice, is extremely important for both humans and animals. It helps us talk, scare off predators, and even help locate a lost member. Here we mention 8 animals that have the loudest voice and call.


​Blue whale

The blue whale is not just the largest animal on the planet, but also the loudest. Its calls can reach up to 188 decibels, which is louder than a jet engine. These sounds help whales communicate with each other across vast distances.


​Howler monkey

The howler monkey, very evident by its name, is one of the loudest land animals. Their calls can be heard for about 5 kilometeres and help them mark their territory and communicate with others.


​Tiger pistol shrimp

The tiger pistol shrimp is a small creature with a big voice. It creates a sound by snapping its claw, and it is loud enough to stun or even kill small fish.



Elephants are known for their deep calls, which is called trumpeting. These calls can reach up to 117 decibels and are used to communicate across long distances.



Cicadas are insects known for their loud mating calls, which can reach up to 120 decibels. When thousands of cicadas call together, it sounds like a screech to the human ear.


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The roar of a lion is one of the most iconic sounds of the wild. At around 114 decibels, it is among the loudest sounds produced by any animal on land.


​Elephant seal

During the breeding season, seals produce a deep, loud call that can reach up to 126 decibels. These calls are used to establish dominance over other males and attract females.



Wolves are known for their loud howls that can be heard from very long distances. For wolves, howling is a form of communication that helps them locate each other, hunt, mark the territory, and more.


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