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Pricing and Plans

Guide operations with digital workflows.
per interface billed annually
5 interface minimum
Ideal for basic production visibility, quality, and assembly workflows.
Get started with Tulip:
Apps on mobile, desktop, touchscreens, and wearables
Frontline Copilot™
Tulip Tables
Tulip Analytics
App permissions
USB device integrations
Access to Library, Community, and University
Live chat
Connect workflows to systems and devices.
per interface billed annually
10 interface minimum
Ideal for enriching workflows with data from sensors, machine, and adjacent systems.
Essentials plus:
Advanced Edge Connectivity: GPIO, edge devices
Single Sign On (SSO), SAML, LDAP
Advanced user roles
3rd-Party Integrations: HTTP & SQL Connectors
On-premise Connector Host
Custom Widgets
Tulip API
Scale across the enterprise and deploy in regulated environments.
Let's Chat
Contact us to learn more
10 interface minimum
Ideal for global implementations with advanced governance and multi-site capabilities.
Professional plus:
Enterprise App Exchange
Custom user roles
Multilingual Apps
App approval workflows & lifecycle management
App and Automation import/export across Tulip environments
Regulated Industries Add-On
eSignatures (21CFR-P11)
Auditable record history
0-RPO (Recovery Point Objective)
Access to Tulip Docs (Validation Pack)
Long-Term Support (LTS) Releases
GxP Audit Privileges
Regulated Industries
Capture data for regulatory compliance.
Let's Chat
Contact us to learn more
10 interface minimum
Ideal for implementations in regulated industries where compliance is essential.
Enterprise plus:
eSignatures (21CFR-P11)
Auditable record history
0-RPO (Recovery Point Objective)
Access to Tulip Docs (Validation Pack)
Long-Term Support (LTS) Releases
GxP Audit Privileges

Our most popular add-ons

  • AI Actions

    Expand beyond included credits to build robust industrial AI apps and solutions with additional AI actions per month.

  • Automations Tasks

    Run logic workflows to accomplish tasks in the background of your operations with additional tasks per month.

  • Machine Monitoring

    Capture real-time data from machines and equipment with OPC UA, MQTT, Node-RED, Tulip API, and Edge Devices.

  • Computer Vision

    Add off-the-shelf cameras to your stations to extend apps with powerful AI detectors and machine learning models for quality inspection.

  • AWS GovCloud

    Deploy Tulip in AWS GovCloud, for sensitive data, regulated workloads, and U.S. government security and compliance requirements.

  • Cloud Choice

    Choose a provider to deploy Tulip on (AWS or Microsoft Azure).

  • Professional Services

    Utilize Tulip and Tulip Partner’s expert knowledge to help implement solutions in your operation.

  • Premium Support Plan

    Access dedicated 24/7 support for critical issues.

Regulated Industries
Maximum Interfaces
Devices running apps with Tulip player.
Up to 50
Maximum Operators
Number of operators you can have on your plan
No-Code App Editor
Create fully customizable apps and dashboards you can easily run on mobile devices, tablets, desktops, and wearables - without writing a single line of code.
Tulip Library
Access individual apps, full app suites, plugins, and integrations from the Tulip Library for direct use or to jumpstart your or app building.
Camera Support
Use cameras within apps to easily capture and store photos of your operations and turn any device into a barcode reader.
Input Widget Validation
Create logic within apps to ensure accuracy and formatting requirements on data entry
Custom Widgets
Write your own low code custom widgets and make them available for use in the no-code App Editor.
Multilingual Apps
Natively translate apps to provide each user the experience they can be most effective with - within a site or across the world.
Electronic Signatures
Attribute actions, data and more to users with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 / EU GMP Annex 11 compliant e-signatures.
App Completion Records
Use the data automatically stored for any app execution to easily keep track of your operations.
Configure your own database to store and share data across apps - without needing any database skills.
Table Queries
Create custom views of tables using filters, sorting and limiting to surface exactly the right data for each use case.
Embedded Tables
Embed tables and custom views directly into apps to enable operators to view and interact with the data.
Create charts and analyses for your data, no matter if it was collected by Tulip automatically, stored into Tulip Tables by you or logged by a monitored machine.
Analytics Layers
Have Tulip help you make decisions by creating insights based on your data using analytics layers (e.g. control charts, reference lines & AI forcasting)
Tulip API
Leverage Tulip's API to interact with your account from outside of the platform.
HTTP Connector
Create integrations to third party APIs and systems using HTTP connectors and make them available within the no code App Editor.
SQL Connector
Connect to PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL and Oracle SQL databases and make scripts available within the no code App Editor.
Use OAuth2.0 for connector authentication with third party systems.
On-premise Connector host
Connect to systems in your local IT infrastructure by deploying an on-premise connector host connected to the Tulip Cloud.
Edge Connectivity
USB Devices
Use USB devices like barcode scanners and scales directly with your applications
Edge Device Integration
Deploy Tulip Edge Devices for easy connectivity at the edge using GPIOs, ADCs, integrated Node-RED, and more.
Official Node-RED Nodes
Use the official Tulip Node-RED nodes to easily connect any Node-RED flow with your Tulip system.
Light Kit
Deploy the Tulip Light Kit in combination with one of our Edge Devices for no code Pick-to-Light, Place-to-Light and more.
Machine Monitoring
Connect machines to Tulip, map tags to attributes, and determine machine state. Record and visualize machine state and state history, use machine widgets in the app editor.
Governance & Regulated Environments
App Lifecycle Management
Create locked versions of your apps and freely configure where which one is deployed.
User Roles
Assign roles to each of your users to manage access on the account level.
Advanced User Roles
Select from additional, more granular roles tailored to the requirements of professional workflows.
Use SAML/LDAP to login/authenticate.
App Approval Workflows
Configure approval types and approvers to implement a review workflow gating which apps can be deployed to production.
Custom User Roles
Configure user permissions and create or manage role types for your team’s access control requirements.
Create workspaces within your Tulip environment to segregate data and users across different sites or value streams.
Enterprise App Exchange
Create an Enterprise App Exchange of content curated by your company, making it accessible and reusable across all workspaces.
Export and Import apps, connectors, and automations between your different Tulip environments.
Record History
Have Tulip document all changes to any Tulip Table record in an audit trail which can be accessed using the Record History Widget.
Choose to receive our Long Term Support (LTS) upgrades whenever it suits you schedule instead of receiving our regularly scheduled standard releases.
Secure your organization's data through real-time replication, so even in the event of an unexpected disaster, you won't lose any critical information.
Tulip Docs (Validation Pack)
Get access to our online release validation package for the whole Tulip platform to streamline your validation process.
GxP Audit Privileges
Allows for onsite or remote audits of Tulip.
Use Tulip's Frontline Copilot™ generative AI tools, advanced Computer Vision, and ML Forecasts in Analytics
Included AI Actions per month
Ask questions and generate answers and translations from AI models in apps, tables, and trigger logic
AI Translation
Automatically translate apps and data in automations in over 25 languages
Computer Vision
Leverage no-code machine vision to detect changes, track objects, and train and deploy custom anomaly detection models.
Forecasts in Analytics
Use machine learning to predict trends in production data
Design and build logic workflows that run in the background of your operation.
Included Tasks per month
Build logic workflows that run in the background of your operation to execute tasks without apps.
Scheduled Actions
Run Automations logic on a set frequency at a certain point in time.
Cloud Deployment
Have your Tulip environment deployment managed by Tulip in the cloud so you can focus on creating value.
Account Usage Page
Monitor Interfaces, Machines, Automations Tasks, and AI Actions usage across your team.
Cloud Provider Choice
Choose which provider you want your Tulip environment to be hosted in, AWS or Azure.
GovCloud Deployment
Choose to have your Tulip environment hosted in the AWS GovCloud.
Training and Support
Tulip University
Get unlimited access to 80+ lessons for all your App Builders, including two certification courses.
Knowledge Base
Browse our extensive knowledge base explaining every detail of the platform.
Tulip Community
Connect with industry experts, share knowledge, and gain insights on the latest innovations and best practice.
Weekly Office Hours
Connect directly with Tulip experts in our weekly office hours - as often as you want, at not extra charge.
Email Support
Reach out to our support via email and get a response within a maximum of 24 hours.
Customer Success
Know who to call when you don't know who to call - your assigned customer success manager.
Premium Success
Access to our team of experts through a professional services contract, ensuring you unlock the maximum potential of the platform for your business.
Professional Services
Leverage expert guidance to optimize implementation and accelerate your digital transformation journey
24/7 Support
Ensure swift issue resolution around the clock.

What are Monthly Active Interfaces?

Interfaces are the devices that are running applications through the Tulip Player. Interfaces can include computers, tablets, mobile phones, or wearable devices. Plans are calculated based on Monthly Active Interfaces (MAI). An interface is considered active if it has had activity during at least one day during that month.

Read more in our Terms of Service →

Pay only for the interfaces you use.

  • SBD - Digital Work Instruction - Intuitive Apps - Quality Management - operator looking at a screen

    At a Work Station

    Equip operators with guided workflows displayed apps on computers, web browsers, touchscreens.

    Learn more
  • Managers looking at tablet

    On the Go

    Access apps where you need them - walking the floor, on a mobile device, or at your desk.

    Learn more
  • production floor dashboard TEC


    Display key metrics, visualize trends, and see alerts on dashboards displayed on stationary screens.

    Learn more
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What are Interfaces?

    “Interfaces” are devices that run applications on Tulip Player, such as a touchscreen at a physical workstation, a tablet, a mobile phone, a dashboard on a screen, an app running on a browser, and an application running on OEM equipment.

  • What's the best way to get started with Tulip?

    The best way to get started is through our Free Trial, which lets you try our platform for 30 days – no credit card required. If you’re interested in a larger-scale deployment, get in touch with us and we’ll help you ensure you are set up for success.

  • Why isn't Tulip priced per user like other systems?

    We’re a different kind of software. We understand your operations has many people who might be using Tulip. Rather than charge for each one of them, we charge per interface where you use Tulip. All our plans include a core set of Tulip features over a set period of time, but each subscription plan has additional features for operations with different needs.

  • How does the Free Trial work?

    The free trial lets you use Tulip Essentials for free for 30 days - risk-free. As part of the trial, you receive a complimentary onboarding session with a Tulip implementation expert as well as access to our entire Library, so you can use and customize those apps to fit your needs. You don’t need a credit card to get started and you can cancel at any time. When the trial ends, you’ll have a better understanding of what Tulip can do for your operations, so you’ll be able to choose the plan that best fits your needs to grow with Tulip.

  • Do you have a perpetual license?

    No. Tulip operates as a Software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution. We believe this is better for our customers as it doesn’t require large upfront investments, it forces us to continuously innovate and lets us continuously grow the features of our platform.

  • How do AI Actions work?

    Every plan tier will include an allotment of AI Actions. When a user interacts with Frontline Copilot through an Chat Widget, AI Trigger Action, Translation action, or Tables Chat, an action will be used. Training within the Chat Widget does not use AI Actions. Unused Actions do not roll over month to month. Additional Actions are available for purchase as an add-on.

  • How do Automations Tasks work?

    Every plan tier will include an allotment of Automations Tasks. Decision blocks and Action blocks within an automation will consume tasks. Unused tasks do not roll over month to month. Additional tasks are available for purchase as an add-on.

Trusted by the World’s Top Companies

Tulip is helping companies of all sizes and across industries, including complex manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices, equip their workforce with connected apps.

Digitally transform your operations with Tulip

See how systems of apps enable agile and connected operations.

3D shop floor illustration