Stormont leaders write to government about City Deals

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Leaders from the five main Stormont parties have written to the chief secretary of the Treasury and the secretary of state asking them to rethink what they said was the “appalling” decision to pause two City Deals in Northern Ireland.

They said elected members from across the Assembly are united in calling for the decisions over the Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid-South West growth deals to be lifted immediately.

Decisions to pause two other City Deals last Friday for Belfast and Derry and Strabane have now been overturned.

In their letter they said if the government was serious about spurring economic growth the pause must be ended immediately.

City deals are regeneration funding packages worth more than £1.5bn with about £600m coming from central government.

It is understood the pause has happened in the context of the UK spending review and the government did not want to commit funds before that process is completed in October.

“Your government has spoken of its desire to spur economic growth and how key it is to improve prosperity," the letter said.

"Local government and deal partners have invested considerable time, effort, commitment and enthusiasm into their deals which will be a catalyst for economic growth and creating good jobs.

“These deals will bring vital investment to towns right across Northern Ireland."