@article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {we have obtained the analytical solution of Schrödinger wave equation with Mie – type potential using factorization method. We have also obtained energy eigenvalues of our potential and the corresponding wave function using an ansatz and then compare the result to standard Laguerre’s differential equation. Under special cases our potential model reduces two well known potentials such as Coulomb and the Kratzer Feus potentials}, added-at = {2019-08-01T03:31:07.000+0200}, author = {Okon, Ituen. B. and Ituen, Eno. E. and Popoola, Oyebola and Antia, Akaninyene. D.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/212ec9b47ecd985ba955de960fc01aec5/johnkenadi1985}, interhash = {bc28715a554452082ea5c9a3bf653254}, intrahash = {12ec9b47ecd985ba955de960fc01aec5}, issn = {2201-1056}, journal = {International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) }, keywords = {03.65-w 03.65.Ge 03.65.Pm Factorization Mie-type PACS Schrödinger equation method numbers: potential}, language = {English}, month = may, number = 2, pages = 7, timestamp = {2019-08-01T03:31:07.000+0200}, title = {Analytical Solution Of Schrödinger Equation With Mie–Type Potential Using Factorisation Method}, url = {https://wireilla.com/physics/ijrap/papers/2213ijrap01.pdf}, volume = 2, year = 2013 }