@article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {The dispersion characteristics for magnetostatic surface waves in a left handed ( LHM)/ferrite/ metal-stripgrating structure have been investigated. We found that, the waveguide supports backward TE waves since both permittivity and magnetic permeability of LHM are negative. We also illustrated the dependence of wave frequency on the reduced wave number for a grating shielding parameter, g values restricted by the range 0 ≤ g ≥ 1. It is shown that the grating shielding parameter, g induces magnetostatic backward shorter waves . The leakage through the grating increases with the wave number. The shorter backward magnetostatic waves are guided by the thicker waveguide where the best confinement is achieved . }, added-at = {2018-06-23T07:08:57.000+0200}, author = {Mousa, H. M. and Shabat, M. M.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/21405a5db889a3801b8b0140e5d13b8f9/johnkenadi1985}, interhash = {f39ab3f7fc90f05b1de4d99af546a773}, intrahash = {1405a5db889a3801b8b0140e5d13b8f9}, issn = {2201-1056}, journal = {International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) }, keywords = {Ferrite Left Magnetostatic Wave-guides handed material metal-strip-grating waves}, month = {August}, number = 1, pages = 9, timestamp = {2018-06-23T07:08:57.000+0200}, title = {Magnetostatic Surface Waves in a Left Handed / Ferrite/ Metal-Strip-Grating Structure }, url = {https://wireilla.com/physics/ijrap/papers/1112ijrap01.pdf}, volume = 1, year = 2012 }