@article{radford02b, added-at = {2008-04-27T17:33:33.000+0200}, author = {Radford, Luis}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/21f1924eb74ae3ef32e01f5c4412fc210/yish}, interhash = {02ed0bd41fa0b00bf74b3742037117e7}, intrahash = {1f1924eb74ae3ef32e01f5c4412fc210}, journal = {For the Learning of Mathematics}, keywords = {cultural frege knowledge learning mathematics meaning mythesis objectification philosophy semiotics social symbols}, number = 2, pages = {14-23}, timestamp = {2008-04-27T17:33:34.000+0200}, title = {The seen, the spoken and the written. A semiotic approach to the problem of objectification of mathematical knowledge}, url = {http://www.laurentienne.ca/NR/rdonlyres/ECC497E1-DF89-485F-A3AD-0C7CDA5FA0BE/0/learning_math_v22n1v2.pdf}, volume = 22, year = 2002 }