@article{hankey2015land, abstract = { Land Use Regression (LUR) models typically use fixed-site monitoring; here, we employ mobile monitoring as a cost-effective alternative for LUR development. We use bicycle-based, mobile measurements (∼85 h) during rush-hour in Minneapolis, MN to build LUR models for particulate concentrations (particle number [PN], black carbon [BC], fine particulate matter [PM2.5], particle size). We developed and examined 1224 separate LUR models by varying pollutant, time-of-day, and method of spatial and temporal smoothing of the time-series data. Our base-case LUR models had modest goodness-of-fit (adjusted R2: ∼0.5 [PN], ∼0.4 [PM2.5], 0.35 [BC], ∼0.25 [particle size]), low bias (<4\%) and absolute bias (2−18\%), and included predictor variables that captured proximity to and density of emission sources. The spatial density of our measurements resulted in a large model-building data set (n = 1101 concentration estimates); ∼25\% of buffer variables were selected at spatial scales of <100m, suggesting that on-road particle concentrations change on small spatial scales. LUR model-R2 improved as sampling runs were completed, with diminishing benefits after ∼40 h of data collection. Spatial autocorrelation of model residuals indicated that models performed poorly where spatiotemporal resolution of emission sources (i.e., traffic congestion) was poor. Our findings suggest that LUR modeling from mobile measurements is possible, but that more work could usefully inform best practices. }, added-at = {2022-01-19T10:28:11.000+0100}, author = {Hankey, Steve and Marshall, Julian D.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/22b2a23bfe9f1c0cb5c10070a3db87264/msteininger}, description = {Land Use Regression Models of On-Road Particulate Air Pollution (Particle Number, Black Carbon, PM2.5, Particle Size) Using Mobile Monitoring - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications)}, doi = {10.1021/acs.est.5b01209}, eprint = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b01209}, interhash = {dd89c9f2891e9ff6255101625d914938}, intrahash = {2b2a23bfe9f1c0cb5c10070a3db87264}, journal = {Environmental Science \& Technology}, keywords = {LUR Land LandUseRegression black carbon lursurvey pollution regression use}, note = {PMID: 26134458}, number = 15, pages = {9194-9202}, timestamp = {2022-01-19T10:28:11.000+0100}, title = {Land Use Regression Models of On-Road Particulate Air Pollution (Particle Number, Black Carbon, PM2.5, Particle Size) Using Mobile Monitoring}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b01209}, volume = 49, year = 2015 }