@inproceedings{1068284, added-at = {2008-06-19T17:35:00.000+0200}, address = {Washington DC, USA}, author = {Daida, Jason M.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26f27da9c4a41f29718c492b4d0a4475a/brazovayeye}, booktitle = {{GECCO 2005}: Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation}, editor = {Beyer, Hans-Georg and O'Reilly, Una-May and Arnold, Dirk V. and Banzhaf, Wolfgang and Blum, Christian and Bonabeau, Eric W. and Cantu-Paz, Erick and Dasgupta, Dipankar and Deb, Kalyanmoy and Foster, James A. and {de Jong}, Edwin D. and Lipson, Hod and Llora, Xavier and Mancoridis, Spiros and Pelikan, Martin and Raidl, Guenther R. and Soule, Terence and Tyrrell, Andy M. and Watson, Jean-Paul and Zitzler, Eckart}, interhash = {c3f1d8f419dba7127d75064e74af1f96}, intrahash = {6f27da9c4a41f29718c492b4d0a4475a}, isbn = {1-59593-010-8}, keywords = {algorithms, binomial-3, blocks, building difficulty, dynamics, experimentation, genetic initial methods, performance, population populations, problem programming programming, selection theory}, month = {25-29 June}, notes = {GECCO-2005 A joint meeting of the fourteenth international conference on genetic algorithms (ICGA-2005) and the tenth annual genetic programming conference (GP-2005). ACM Order Number 910052}, organisation = {ACM SIGEVO (formerly ISGEC)}, pages = {1627--1634}, publisher = {ACM Press}, publisher_address = {New York, NY, 10286-1405, USA}, timestamp = {2008-06-19T17:38:22.000+0200}, title = {Towards identifying populations that increase the likelihood of success in genetic programming}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1068009.1068284}, volume = 2, year = 2005 }