@book{Burden1989, abstract = {An introductory text on the theory of numerical analysis. Topics include: solutions of equations in one variable; interpolations and polynomial approximation; numerical differentiation and integration; initial value problems for ordinary differential equations; direct methods for solving linear systems; iterative techniques in matrix algebra; approximation theory; approximating eigenvalues; numerical solutions of non-linear systems of equations; boundary-value problems for ordinary differential equations and numerical solutions to partial differential equations. A bibliography and answers to selected problems are also included.}, added-at = {2013-03-27T16:06:54.000+0100}, address = {Boston}, annote = {First edition published 1981.}, author = {Burden, Richard L. and Faires, J. Douglas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2ec113bf688ad26d9712fce561c087db1/jil}, edition = {Fourth}, file = {Hürz:/tmp/SS 13 Vortragsreihe ITM Ankündigung.pdf:PDF}, groups = {public}, interhash = {7c8074a79da4ad3f3f03abcd3653afe9}, intrahash = {ec113bf688ad26d9712fce561c087db1}, keywords = {ODEs algebra analysis computation integral mathematics matrix methods numerical}, publisher = {{PWS-Kent} Publishing Company}, series = {The Prindle, Weber and Schmidt Series in Mathematics}, timestamp = {2013-11-23T20:11:51.000+0100}, title = {Numerical Analysis}, username = {jil}, year = 1989 }