@article{bokon2014exact, abstract = {In this work, we obtained an exact solution to Schrodinger equation using q-deformed Woods-Saxon plus modified Coulomb potential Using conventional Nikiforov-Uvarov method. We also obtained the energy eigen value and its associated total wave function . This potential with some suitable conditions reduces to two well known potentials namely: the Yukawa and coulomb potential. Finally, we obtained the numerical results for energy eigen value with different values of q as dimensionless parameter. The result shows that the values of the energies for different quantum number(n) is negative(bound state condition) and increases with an increase in the value of the dimensionless parameter(arbitrary constant). The graph in figure (1) shows the different energy levels for a particular quantum number. }, added-at = {2020-05-07T08:15:46.000+0200}, author = {.B.Okon, Ituen and Popoola, Oyebola and N.Isonguyo, Cecilia.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2b3b97cd9c9102097f15a2ccc16236206/johnkenadi1985}, doi = {10.14810/ijrap.2014.3402}, ee = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1743666.1743709}, interhash = {bc27cb165ad384fd66fe88548547a3df}, intrahash = {b3b97cd9c9102097f15a2ccc16236206}, issn = {2201-1056}, journal = {International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) }, keywords = {Nikiforov-Uvarov Schrodinger Woods-Saxon exponential method modified plus potential}, language = {English}, month = {November}, number = 4, pages = 10, publisher = {IJRAP}, timestamp = {2020-05-07T08:15:46.000+0200}, title = {Exact Bound State Solution of Qdeformed Woods-Saxon Plus Modified Coulomb Potential Using Conventional NIKIFOROV-UVAROV Method }, url = {https://wireilla.com/physics/ijrap/papers/3414ijrap02.pdf}, volume = 3, year = 2014 } @article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {we have obtained the analytical solution of Schrödinger wave equation with Mie – type potential using factorization method. We have also obtained energy eigenvalues of our potential and the corresponding wave function using an ansatz and then compare the result to standard Laguerre’s differential equation. Under special cases our potential model reduces two well known potentials such as Coulomb and the Kratzer Feus potentials}, added-at = {2019-08-01T03:31:07.000+0200}, author = {Okon, Ituen. B. and Ituen, Eno. E. and Popoola, Oyebola and Antia, Akaninyene. D.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/212ec9b47ecd985ba955de960fc01aec5/johnkenadi1985}, interhash = {bc28715a554452082ea5c9a3bf653254}, intrahash = {12ec9b47ecd985ba955de960fc01aec5}, issn = {2201-1056}, journal = {International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) }, keywords = {03.65-w 03.65.Ge 03.65.Pm Factorization Mie-type PACS Schrödinger equation method numbers: potential}, language = {English}, month = may, number = 2, pages = 7, timestamp = {2019-08-01T03:31:07.000+0200}, title = {Analytical Solution Of Schrödinger Equation With Mie–Type Potential Using Factorisation Method}, url = {https://wireilla.com/physics/ijrap/papers/2213ijrap01.pdf}, volume = 2, year = 2013 } @article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {In this work, we obtained an approximate bound state solution to Schrodinger with Hulthen plus exponential Coulombic potential with centrifugal potential barrier using parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method. We obtained both the eigen energy and the wave functions to non -relativistic wave equations. We implement Matlab algorithm to obtained the numerical bound state energies for various values of adjustable screening parameter at various quantum state.. The developed potential reduces to Hulthen potential and the numerical bound state energy conform to that of existing literature.}, added-at = {2019-07-26T08:04:20.000+0200}, author = {.B.Okon, Ituen and Popoola, Oyebola and Ituen, Eno .E.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/23895071e45548e2f38fc07d3b33f6f54/johnkenadi1985}, doi = {10.14810/ijrap.2016.5101}, interhash = {ded13461ff5198cb320a78c08a0b1b81}, intrahash = {3895071e45548e2f38fc07d3b33f6f54}, issn = {2201-1056}, journal = {International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP)}, keywords = {Coulombic Hulthen Nikiforov-Uvarov Schrodinger equation exponential method plus potential}, language = {English}, month = may, number = 2, pages = 15, timestamp = {2019-07-26T08:04:20.000+0200}, title = {Bound State Solution to Schrodinger Equation with Hulthen Plus Exponential Coulombic Potential with Centrifugal Potential Barrier using Parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov Method}, url = {https://wireilla.com/physics/ijrap/papers/5216ijrap01.pdf}, volume = 5, year = 2016 } @article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {On the basis of the theory of bound charges the calculation of the motion of the charged particle at the Coulomb field formed with the spherical source of bound charges is carried out. Such motion is possible in the Riemanniam space-time. The comparison with the general relativity theory (GRT) and special relativity theory (SRT) results in the Schwarzshil'd field when the particle falls on the Schwarzshil'd and Coulomb centres is carried out. It is shown that the proton and electron can to create a stable connection with the dimensions of the order of the classic electron radius. The perihelion shift of the electron orbit in the proton field is calculated. This shift is five times greater than in SRT and when corrsponding substitution of the constants it is 5/6 from GRT. By means of the quantization of adiabatic invariants in accordance with the method closed to the Bohr and Sommerfeld one without the Dirac equation the addition to the energy for the fine level splitting is obtained. It is shown that the Caplan's stable orbits in the hydrogen atom coincide with the Born orbits}, added-at = {2018-07-21T05:35:18.000+0200}, author = {Podosenov, Stanislav and Foukzon, Jaykov and Potapov, Alexander and Men'kova, Elena}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2c6bba627bb182691f36190506adfda13/johnkenadi1985}, doi = {10.14810/ijrap.2015.4105}, interhash = {4df9ab7d54f40de008b9fea2d7c5c7fd}, intrahash = {c6bba627bb182691f36190506adfda13}, issn = {2201-1056}, journal = {International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) }, keywords = {(GRT) (SRT) Bohr Caplan Dirac Field Sommerfeld adiabatic bound charges curve equations fine general invariants level motion of potential quantization quasi-classics relativity special splitting structure the theory}, language = {English}, month = {February}, number = 1, pages = 23, timestamp = {2018-07-21T05:35:18.000+0200}, title = {Classical and Quasi-Classical Consideration of Charged Particles in Coulomb Field of Bound Charges}, url = {http://wireilla.com/physics/ijrap/papers/4115ijrap05.pdf}, volume = 4, year = 2015 } @article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {We have solved exactly Schrödinger equation with modified Coulomb Potential under the framework of factorization method. Energy levels and the corresponding wave functions in terms of associated Laquerre function are also obtained. For further guide to interested readers we have computed the energy eigenvalue for some selected elements for various values of n and l . }, added-at = {2018-07-21T05:31:06.000+0200}, author = {Antia, Akaninyene D. and Ituen, Eno E. and Obong, Hillary P. and Isonguyo, Cecilia N.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26424f1d184abef6d9f55709737c9f226/johnkenadi1985}, doi = {10.14810/ijrap.2015.4104}, interhash = {78c0704ccca27d54dcfd8cb8c01bf603}, intrahash = {6424f1d184abef6d9f55709737c9f226}, issn = {2201-1056}, journal = {International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP)}, keywords = {Modified Schrodinger bound coulomb equation factorization method potential solution state}, language = {English}, month = {February}, number = 1, pages = 11, timestamp = {2018-07-21T05:31:06.000+0200}, title = {Analytical Solutions of the Modified Coulomb Potential using the Factorization Method}, url = {https://wireilla.com/physics/ijrap/papers/4115ijrap04.pdf}, volume = 4, year = 2015 } @article{noauthororeditor, abstract = {In this work, we obtained an approximate bound state solution to Schrodinger with Hulthen plus exponential Coulombic potential with centrifugal potential barrier using parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method. We obtained both the eigen energy and the wave functions to non -relativistic wave equations. We implement Matlab algorithm to obtained the numerical bound state energies for various values of adjustable screening parameter at various quantum state.. The developed potential reduces to Hulthen potential and the numerical bound state energy conform to that of existing literature. }, added-at = {2018-07-11T01:21:38.000+0200}, author = {.B.Okon, Ituen and Popoola, Oyebola and Ituen, Eno .E.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2b5213338fa3993cf165a654db90d0764/johnkenadi1985}, doi = {10.14810/ijrap.2016.5101}, interhash = {ded13461ff5198cb320a78c08a0b1b81}, intrahash = {b5213338fa3993cf165a654db90d0764}, issn = {2201-1056}, journal = {International Journal of Recent advances in Physics (IJRAP) }, keywords = {Coulombic Hulthen Nikiforov-Uvarov Schrodinger equation exponential method potential}, language = {English}, month = may, number = 2, pages = 15, timestamp = {2018-07-11T01:21:38.000+0200}, title = {Bound State Solution to Schrodinger Equation with Hulthen Plus Exponential Coulombic Potential with Centrifugal Potential Barrier using Parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov Method}, url = {http://wireilla.com/physics/ijrap/papers/5216ijrap01.pdf}, volume = 5, year = 2016 }