@misc{klitsch2017almacal, abstract = {Studying the flow of baryons into and out of galaxies is an important part of understanding the evolution of galaxies over time. We present a detailed case study of the environment around an intervening Ly $\alpha$ absorption line system at $z_{\rm abs} = 0.633$, seen towards the quasar J0423$-$0130 ($z_{\rm QSO} = 0.915$). We detect with ALMA the $^{12}$CO(2--1), $^{12}$CO(3--2) and $1.2$~mm continuum emission from a galaxy at the redshift of the Ly $\alpha$ absorber at a projected distance of $135$ kpc. From the ALMA detections, we infer ISM conditions similar to those in low redshift Luminous Infrared Galaxies. DDT MUSE integral field unit observations reveal the optical counterpart of the $^{12}$CO emission line source and three additional emission line galaxies at the absorber redshift, which together form a galaxy group. The $^{12}$CO emission line detections originate from the most massive galaxy in this group. While we cannot exclude that we miss a fainter host, we reach a dust-uncorrected star-formation rate (SFR) limit of > $0.3 \text{M}_{\odot} \text{ yr}^{-1}$ within $100$ kpc from the sightline to the background quasar. We measure the dust-corrected SFR (ranging from $3$ to $50$ M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$), the morpho-kinematics and the metallicities of the four group galaxies to understand the relation between the group and the neutral gas probed in absorption. We find that the Ly $\alpha$ absorber traces either an outflow from the most massive galaxy or intra-group gas. This case study illustrates the power of combining ALMA and MUSE to obtain a census of the cool baryons in a bounded structure at intermediate redshift.}, added-at = {2017-12-04T10:27:07.000+0100}, author = {Klitsch, A. and Peroux, C. and Zwaan, M. A. and Smail, I. and Oteo, I. and Biggs, A. D. and Popping, G. and Swinbank, A. M.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26a1b5c1cd323930bb54c4d666f84bdb0/miki}, description = {[1712.00014] ALMACAL III: A combined ALMA and MUSE Survey for Neutral, Molecular, and Ionised Gas in an HI-Absorption-Selected System}, interhash = {7a2d544c883283b94e2a9e67fe29a06c}, intrahash = {6a1b5c1cd323930bb54c4d666f84bdb0}, keywords = {ALMA DLA MUSE}, note = {cite arxiv:1712.00014Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS}, timestamp = {2017-12-04T10:27:07.000+0100}, title = {ALMACAL III: A combined ALMA and MUSE Survey for Neutral, Molecular, and Ionised Gas in an HI-Absorption-Selected System}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.00014}, year = 2017 } @misc{matthee2017reveals, abstract = {We present spectroscopic follow-up observations of CR7 with ALMA, targeted at constraining the infrared (IR) continuum and [CII]$_{158 \mu \rm m}$ line-emission at high spatial resolution matched to the HST/WFC3 imaging. CR7 is a luminous Ly$\alpha$ emitting galaxy at $z=6.6$ that consists of three separated UV-continuum components. Our observations reveal several well-separated components of [CII] emission. The two most luminous components in [CII] coincide with the brightest UV components (A and B), blue-shifted by $\approx 150$ km s$^{-1}$ with respect to the peak of Ly$\alpha$ emission. Other [CII] components are observed close to UV clumps B and C and are blue-shifted by $\approx300$ and $\approx80$ km s$^{-1}$ with respect to the systemic redshift. We do not detect FIR continuum emission due to dust with a 3$\sigma$ limiting luminosity L$_{\rm IR} (T_d = 35 \rm \, K) < 3.1\times10^{10}$ L$_{\odot}$. This allows us to mitigate uncertainties in the dust-corrected SFR and derive SFRs for the three UV clumps A, B and C of 29, 6 and 7 M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$. All clumps have [CII] luminosities consistent within the scatter observed in the local relation between SFR and L$_{\rm [CII]}$, implying that strong Ly$\alpha$ emission does not necessarily anti-correlate with [CII] luminosity. Combining our measurements with the literature, we show that galaxies with blue UV slopes have weaker [CII] emission at fixed SFR, potentially due to their lower metallicities and/or higher photoionisation. Comparison with hydrodynamical simulations suggests that CR7's clumps have metallicities of $0.1<\rm Z/Z_{\odot}<0.2$. The observed ISM structure of CR7 indicates that we are likely witnessing the build up of a central galaxy in the early Universe through complex accretion of satellites.}, added-at = {2017-09-21T10:21:34.000+0200}, author = {Matthee, J. and Sobral, D. and Boone, F. and Röttgering, H. and Schaerer, D. and Girard, M. and Pallottini, A. and Vallini, L. and Ferrara, A. and Darvish, B. and Mobasher, B.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2e60debadf48facced8fe69928bef2b20/miki}, description = {[1709.06569] ALMA reveals metals yet no dust within multiple components in CR7}, interhash = {cb787163a6aaf51264f39560a04248ca}, intrahash = {e60debadf48facced8fe69928bef2b20}, keywords = {CR7 alma dust metallicity}, note = {cite arxiv:1709.06569Comment: 17 pages, submitted to ApJ, comments welcome}, timestamp = {2017-09-21T10:21:34.000+0200}, title = {ALMA reveals metals yet no dust within multiple components in CR7}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1709.06569}, year = 2017 } @misc{mclure2017attenuation, abstract = {We present the results of a new study of the relationship between infrared excess (IRX), UV spectral slope (beta) and stellar mass at redshifts 2= 9.75, both the IRX-beta and IRX-mass relations are well described by a Calzetti-like attenuation law.}, added-at = {2017-09-20T11:59:11.000+0200}, author = {McLure, R. J. and Dunlop, J. S. and Cullen, F. and Bourne, N. and Best, P. N. and Khochfar, S. and Bowler, R. A. A. and Biggs, A. D. and Geach, J. E. and Scott, D. and Michalowski, M. J. and Rujopakarn, W. and van Kampen, E. and Kirkpatrick, A. and Pope, A.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/23622c1c971ca9fbe860a884652688dd1/miki}, description = {[1709.06102] Dust attenuation in 2<z<3 star-forming galaxies from deep ALMA observations of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field}, interhash = {379bf0307a67b098ac517d1d333a3d80}, intrahash = {3622c1c971ca9fbe860a884652688dd1}, keywords = {alma attenuation dust z~2 z~3}, note = {cite arxiv:1709.06102Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRAS}, timestamp = {2017-09-20T11:59:11.000+0200}, title = {Dust attenuation in 24, Universe age <1.5Gyr) was impractical, with the exception of a few strongly lensed systems. Combining the high resolution and sensitivity of ALMA at (sub-) millimeter wavelengths with the typically high strength of the [CII] 158um emission line from galaxies and long-developed dynamical modeling tools raises the possibility of characterizing the gas dynamics in both extreme starburst galaxies and normal star forming disk galaxies at z~4-7. Using a procedure centered around GIPSY's ROTCUR task, we have fit tilted ring models to some of the best available ALMA [CII] data of a small set of galaxies: the MS galaxies HZ9 & HZ10, the Damped Lyman-alpha Absorber (DLA) host galaxy ALMA J0817+1351, the submm galaxies AzTEC/C159 and COSMOS J1000+0234, and the quasar host galaxy ULAS J1319+0950. This procedure directly derives rotation curves and dynamical masses as functions of radius for each object. In one case, we present evidence for a dark matter halo of O(10^11) solar masses. We present an analysis of the possible velocity dispersions of AzTEC/C159 and ULAS J1319+0950 based on matching simulated observations to the integrated [CII] line profiles. Finally, we test the effects of observation resolution and sensitivity on our results. While the conclusions remain limited at the resolution and signal-to-noise ratios of these observations, the results demonstrate the viability of the modeling tools at high redshift, and the exciting potential for detailed dynamical analysis of the earliest galaxies, as ALMA achieves full observational capabilities.}, added-at = {2017-09-18T10:01:35.000+0200}, author = {Jones, G. C. and Carilli, C. L. and Shao, Y. and Wang, R. and Capak, P. L. and Pavesi, R. and Riechers, D. A. and Karim, A. and Neeleman, M. and Walter, F.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24da48b71471d0ca67b84ca4ce1ddd38f/miki}, description = {[1709.04954] Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z~4-6 via Tilted Ring Fitting to ALMA [CII] Observations}, interhash = {b6595b16bbdbe6db758382a956b3a55c}, intrahash = {4da48b71471d0ca67b84ca4ce1ddd38f}, keywords = {alma galaxy structure}, note = {cite arxiv:1709.04954Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ}, timestamp = {2017-09-18T10:01:35.000+0200}, title = {Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z~4-6 via Tilted Ring Fitting to ALMA [CII] Observations}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1709.04954}, year = 2017 } @misc{brisbin2017survey, abstract = {We carried out targeted ALMA observations of 129 fields in the COSMOS region at 1.25 mm, detecting 152 galaxies at S/N$\geq$5 with an average continuum RMS of 150 $\mu$Jy. These fields represent a S/N-limited sample of AzTEC / ASTE sources with 1.1 mm S/N$\geq$4 over an area of 0.72 square degrees. Given ALMA's fine resolution and the exceptional spectroscopic and multiwavelength photometric data available in COSMOS, this survey allows us unprecedented power in identifying submillimeter galaxy counterparts and determining their redshifts through spectroscopic or photometric means. In addition to 30 sources with prior spectroscopic redshifts, we identified redshifts for 113 galaxies through photometric methods and an additional nine sources with lower limits, which allowed a statistically robust determination of the redshift distribution. We have resolved 33 AzTEC sources into multi-component systems and our redshifts suggest that nine are likely to be physically associated. Our overall redshift distribution peaks at $z\sim$2.0 with a high redshift tail skewing the median redshift to $\tilde{z}$=2.48$\pm$0.05. We find that brighter millimeter sources are preferentially found at higher redshifts. Our faintest sources, with S$_{1.25 \rm mm}$<1.25 mJy, have a median redshift of $\tilde{z}$=2.18$\pm$0.09, while the brightest sources, S$_{1.25 \rm mm}$>1.8 mJy, have a median redshift of $\tilde{z}$=3.08$\pm$0.17. After accounting for spectral energy distribution shape and selection effects these results are consistent with several previous submillimeter galaxy surveys, and moreover, support the conclusion that the submillimeter galaxy redshift distribution is sensitive to survey depth.}, added-at = {2017-08-22T10:33:14.000+0200}, author = {Brisbin, Drew and Miettinen, Oskari and Aravena, Manuel and Smolčić, Vernesa and Delvecchio, Ivan and Jiang, Chunyan and Magnelli, Benjamin and Albrecht, Marcus and Arancibia, Alejandra Muñoz and Aussel, Hervé and Baran, Nikola and Bertoldi, Frank and Béthermin, Matthieu and Capak, Peter and Casey, Caitlin M. and Civano, Francesca and Hayward, Christopher C. and Ilbert, Olivier and Karim, Alexander and Laigle, Clotilde and Fevre, Olivier Le and Marchesi, Stefano and McCracken, Henry Joy and Navarrete, Felipe and Novak, Mladen and Riechers, Dominik and Padilla, Nelson and Salvato, Mara and Scott, Kimberly and Schinnerer, Eva and Sheth, Kartik and Tasca, Lidia}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/289c6253ff4d6997b15f0c458139da3f1/miki}, description = {[1708.05748] An ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field: Multiwavelength counterparts and redshift}, interhash = {3402d1795634096090b1d7f4ed65f8c2}, intrahash = {89c6253ff4d6997b15f0c458139da3f1}, keywords = {alma counterpart galaxy survey}, note = {cite arxiv:1708.05748Comment: Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics for review 17 pages in body + 26 in appendices}, timestamp = {2017-08-22T10:33:14.000+0200}, title = {An ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field: Multiwavelength counterparts and redshift}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1708.05748}, year = 2017 } @misc{cheng2017function, abstract = {We study the core mass function (CMF) of the massive protocluster G286.21+0.17 with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array via 1.3 mm continuum emission at a resolution of 1.0" (2500 au). We have mapped a field of 5.3'$\times$5.3' centered on the protocluster clump. We measure the CMF in the central region, exploring various core detection algorithms, which give source numbers ranging from 60 to 125, depending on parameter selection. For masses $M\gtrsim1\:M_\odot$, the CMF can be fit with a power law of the form ${\rm{d}}N/{\rm{d}}{\rm{log}}M\propto{M}^{-\alpha}$ with $\alpha\simeq1.05-1.35$ in the fiducial cases, similar to the index of the Salpeter stellar initial mass function of 1.35. We discuss the implications of these results for star and star cluster formation theories.}, added-at = {2017-06-22T09:34:06.000+0200}, author = {Cheng, Yu and Tan, Jonathan C. and Liu, Mengyao and Kong, Shuo and Lim, Wanggi and Andersen, Morten and Da Rio, Nicola}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/25935b68b102efefcfa9faebb20f55082/miki}, description = {[1706.06584] The Core Mass Function in the Massive Protocluster G286.21+0.17 revealed by ALMA}, interhash = {6536a6d77dbd9906db6e260f8e875010}, intrahash = {5935b68b102efefcfa9faebb20f55082}, keywords = {alma core function mass}, note = {cite arxiv:1706.06584Comment: 7 pages, submitted to ApJ, comments welcome}, timestamp = {2017-06-22T09:34:06.000+0200}, title = {The Core Mass Function in the Massive Protocluster G286.21+0.17 revealed by ALMA}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1706.06584}, year = 2017 } @misc{smit2017measurement, abstract = {The earliest galaxies are expected to emerge in the first billion years of the Universe during the Epoch of Reionization. However, both the spectroscopic confirmation of photometrically-selected galaxies at this epoch and the characterization of their early dynamical state has been hindered by the lack of bright, accessible lines to probe the velocity structure of their interstellar medium. We present the first ALMA spectroscopic confirmation of such sources at z > 6 using the far-infrared [C II]{\lambda}157.74{\mu}m emission line, and, for the first time, measurement of the velocity structure, for two galaxies at z = 6.8540+/-0.0003 and z = 6.8076+/-0.0002. Remarkably, the [C II] line luminosity from these galaxies is higher than previously found in `normal' star-forming galaxies at z > 6.5. This suggests that we are sampling a part of the galaxy population different from the galaxies found through detection of the Ly{\alpha} line. The luminous and extended [C II] detections reveal clear velocity gradients that, if interpreted as rotation, would suggest these galaxies have turbulent, yet rotation-dominated disks, with similar stellar-to-dynamical mass fractions as observed for H{\alpha} emitting galaxies 2 Gyr later at cosmic noon. Our novel approach for confirming galaxies during Reionization paves the way for larger studies of distant galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts from ALMA. Particularly important, this opens up opportunities for high angular-resolution [C II] dynamics in galaxies less than one billion years after the Big Bang.}, added-at = {2017-06-18T18:13:16.000+0200}, author = {Smit, Renske and Bouwens, Rychard J. and Carniani, Stefano and Oesch, Pascal A. and Labbé, Ivo and Illingworth, Garth D. and van der Werf, Paul and Bradley, Larry D. and Gonzalez, Valentino and Hodge, Jacqueline A. and Holwerda, Benne W. and Maiolino, Roberto}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2d72ea5cabbeeab665050b44921717d2a/miki}, description = {[1706.04614] Measurement of rotation in two galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization from ALMA-detected [CII] emission}, interhash = {a9582b7628a718b2536f6631e64205c4}, intrahash = {d72ea5cabbeeab665050b44921717d2a}, keywords = {CII alma disks rotation}, note = {cite arxiv:1706.04614Comment: 13 pages, 5 figues, 1 table, submitted}, timestamp = {2017-06-18T18:13:16.000+0200}, title = {Measurement of rotation in two galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization from ALMA-detected [CII] emission}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04614}, year = 2017 } @misc{popping2017reveals, abstract = {We present ALMA detections of the [CI] 1-0, CO J=3-2, and CO J=4-3 emission lines, as well as the ALMA band 4 continuum for a compact star-forming galaxy (cSFG) at z=2.225, 3D-HST GS30274. As is typical for cSFGs, this galaxy has a stellar mass of $1.89 \pm 0.47\,\times 10^{11}\,\rm{M}_\odot$, with a star formation rate of $214\pm44\,\rm{M}_\odot\,\rm{yr}^{-1}$ putting it on the star-forming `main-sequence', but with an H-band effective radius of 2.5 kpc, making it much smaller than the bulk of `main-sequence' star-forming galaxies. The intensity ratio of the line detections yield an ISM density (~ 6 $\times 10^{4}\,\rm{cm}^{-3}$) and a UV-radiation field ( ~2 $\times 10^4\,\rm{G}_0$), similar to the values in local starburst and ultra-luminous infrared galaxy environments. A starburst phase is consistent with the short depletion times ($t_{\rm H2, dep} \leq 140$ Myr) we find using three different proxies for the H2 mass ([CI], CO, dust mass). This depletion time is significantly shorter than in more extended SFGs with similar stellar masses and SFRs. Moreover, the gas fraction of 3D-HST GS30274 is smaller than typically found in extended galaxies. We measure the CO and [CI] kinematics and find a FWHM line width of ~$750 \pm 41 $ km s$^{-1}$. The CO and [CI] FWHM are consistent with a previously measured H$\alpha$ FWHM for this source. The line widths are consistent with gravitational motions, suggesting we are seeing a compact molecular gas reservoir. A previous merger event, as suggested by the asymmetric light profile, may be responsible for the compact distribution of gas and has triggered a central starburst event. This event gives rise to the starburst-like ISM properties and short depletion times. The centrally located and efficient star formation is quickly building up a dense core of stars, responsible for the compact distribution of stellar light in 3D-HST GS30274.}, added-at = {2017-03-20T11:32:23.000+0100}, author = {Popping, Gergö and Decarli, Roberto and Man, Allison W. S. and Nelson, Erica J. and Béthermin, Matthieu and De Breuck, Carlos and Mainieri, Vincenzo and van Dokkum, Pieter G. and Gullberg, Bitten and van Kampen, Eelco and Spaans, Marco and Trager, Scott C.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/23d3232999eebf61987b71d1a145317f3/miki}, description = {[1703.05764] ALMA reveals starburst-like interstellar medium conditions in a compact star-forming galaxy at z ~ 2 using [CI] and CO}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201730391}, interhash = {a07fbb8f01dce93cd2bdda18ab10207e}, intrahash = {3d3232999eebf61987b71d1a145317f3}, keywords = {alma compact galaxies ism z~2}, note = {cite arxiv:1703.05764Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A}, timestamp = {2017-03-20T11:32:23.000+0100}, title = {ALMA reveals starburst-like interstellar medium conditions in a compact star-forming galaxy at z ~ 2 using [CI] and CO}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1703.05764}, year = 2017 } @misc{laporte2017reionization, abstract = {We report on the detailed analysis of a gravitationally-lensed Y-band dropout, A2744_YD4, selected from deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging in the Frontier Field cluster Abell 2744. Band 7 observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) indicate the proximate detection of a significant 1mm continuum flux suggesting the presence of dust for a star-forming galaxy with a photometric redshift of $z\simeq8$. Deep X-SHOOTER spectra confirms the high redshift identity of A2744_YD4 via the detection of Lyman $\alpha$ emission at a redshift $z$=8.38. The association with the ALMA detection is confirmed by the presence of [OIII] 88$\mu$m emission at the same redshift. Although both emission features are only significant at the 4 $\sigma$ level, we argue their joint detection and the positional coincidence with a high redshift dropout in the HST images confirms the physical association. Analysis of the available photometric data and the modest gravitational magnification ($\mu\simeq2$) indicates A2744_YD4 has a stellar mass of $\sim$ 2$\times$10$^9$ M$_{\odot}$, a star formation rate of $\sim20$ M$_{\odot}$/yr and a dust mass of $\sim$6$\times$10$^{6}$ M$_{\odot}$. We discuss the implications of the formation of such a dust mass only $\simeq$200 Myr after the onset of cosmic reionisation.}, added-at = {2017-03-08T10:01:28.000+0100}, author = {Laporte, Nicolas and Ellis, Richard S. and Boone, Frederic and Bauer, Franz E. and Quénard, David and Roberts-Borsani, Guido W. and Pelló, Roser and Pérez-Fournon, Ismael and Streblyanska, Alina}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/213f981684c84bc43feef1d9c6639dd77/miki}, description = {[1703.02039] Dust in the reionization era: ALMA observations of a $z$=8.38 Galaxy}, interhash = {8fa5df5b65bb72fed8e54fdeddf700eb}, intrahash = {13f981684c84bc43feef1d9c6639dd77}, keywords = {alma dust high redshift}, note = {cite arxiv:1703.02039Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL}, timestamp = {2017-03-08T10:01:28.000+0100}, title = {Dust in the reionization era: ALMA observations of a $z$=8.38 Galaxy}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1703.02039}, year = 2017 } @misc{katz2016interpreting, abstract = {We present cosmological, radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of galaxy formation during the epoch of reionisation in an effort towards modelling the interstellar medium (ISM) and interpreting ALMA observations. Simulations with and without stellar radiation are compared at large (Mpc), intermediate (tens of kpc), and small (sub kpc) scales to highlight the differences local stellar radiation can make for the distribution of neutral hydrogen internally to galaxy and externally on the surrounding filaments and intergalactic medium (IGM). At large scales, we find that the dense regions around galaxies reionise first before UV photons penetrate the voids; however, there remains a considerable amount of neutral gas present within the galaxies. The spatial distribution of neutral gas is highly dynamic and is anti-correlated with the presence of stars older than a few Myrs. Likewise, H$_2$ masses in the galaxies are extremely time variable and sensitive to the presence of these same stars. For our specific feedback implementation, most of the metals remain inside the virial radii of galaxies and they are proportionally distributed over the ionised and neutral medium by mass. For our most massive galaxy with ${\rm M_h}\sim10^{11}$M$_{\odot}$, we find that the majority of the CII mass in the galaxy is associated with cold neutral clumps, similar to OI. NII is more diffuse and arises in warmer gas while OIII is associated with the hotter gas produced by photo-heating and supernovae that has a higher ionisation parameter. If small pockets of high metallicity gas exist in the ISM, the emission from these ions may be observable by ALMA while the naturally low metallicity of the galaxy will cause these systems to fall below the local [CII]-SFR relation. [abridged]}, added-at = {2016-12-07T09:39:09.000+0100}, author = {Katz, Harley and Kimm, Taysun and Sijacki, Debora and Haehnelt, Martin}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26b1a962942f6740752a7e4549b42eab5/miki}, description = {[1612.01786] Interpreting ALMA Observations of the ISM During the Epoch of Reionisation}, interhash = {1d6223759bc05b93727f88464d05dae0}, intrahash = {6b1a962942f6740752a7e4549b42eab5}, keywords = {ALMA ISM simulation}, note = {cite arxiv:1612.01786Comment: 32 Pages, 25 figures, Submitted to MNRAS, Abstract abridged for arXiv}, timestamp = {2016-12-07T09:39:09.000+0100}, title = {Interpreting ALMA Observations of the ISM During the Epoch of Reionisation}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1612.01786}, year = 2016 } @misc{bradac2016detection, abstract = {We present the results of ALMA spectroscopic follow-up of a $z=6.765$ Lyman-$\alpha$ emitting galaxy behind the cluster RXJ1347-1145. We report the detection of {\ctf} line fully consistent with the Lyman-$\alpha$ redshift and with the peak of the optical emission. Given the magnification of $\mu=5.0 \pm 0.3$ the intrinsic (corrected for lensing) luminosity of the [CII] line is $L_{[CII]} =1.4^{+0.2}_{-0.3} \times 10^7L_{\odot}$, which is ${\sim}5$ times fainter than other detections of $z\sim 7$ galaxies. The result indicates that low $L_{[CII]}$ in $z\sim 7$ galaxies compared to the local counterparts are likely caused by their low metallicities and/or feedback. The small velocity off-set ($\Delta v = 20_{-40}^{+140}\mbox{km/s}$) between the Lyman-$\alpha$ and [CII] line is unusual, and may be indicative of ionizing photons escaping.}, added-at = {2016-10-10T09:48:23.000+0200}, author = {Bradač, Maruša and Garcia-Appadoo, Diego and Huang, Kuang-Han and Vallini, Livia and Finney, Emily and Hoag, Austin and Lemaux, Brian and Schmidt, Kasper and Treu, Tommaso and Carilli, Chris and Dijkstra, Mark and Ferrara, Andrea and Fontana, Adriano and Jones, Tucker and Ryan, Russell and Wagg, Jeff}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/20e82fd3bdc90eb1f8a0b2d7d2bca47d7/miki}, description = {[1610.02099] ALMA [CII] detection of a redshift 7 lensed galaxy behind RXJ1347.1-1145}, interhash = {59f7fee0c092db74e1497a69b955a573}, intrahash = {0e82fd3bdc90eb1f8a0b2d7d2bca47d7}, keywords = {[CII] alma high-z}, note = {cite arxiv:1610.02099Comment: Submitted for publication to ApJLetters}, timestamp = {2016-10-10T09:48:23.000+0200}, title = {ALMA [CII] detection of a redshift 7 lensed galaxy behind RXJ1347.1-1145}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1610.02099}, year = 2016 } @misc{nesvadba2016plancks, abstract = {We present spatially resolved ALMA [CII] observations of the bright (flux density S=400 mJy at 350 microns), gravitationally lensed, starburst galaxy PLCK G045.1+61.1 at z=3.427, the "Garnet". This source is part of our set of "Planck's Dusty GEMS", discovered with the Planck's all-sky survey. Two emission-line clouds with a relative velocity offset of ~600 km/s extend towards north-east and south-west, respectively, of a small, intensely star-forming clump with a star-formation intensity of 220 Msun/yr/kpc^2, akin to maximal starbursts. [CII] is also seen in absorption, with a redshift of +350 km/s relative to the brightest CO component. [CII] absorption has previously only been found in the Milky Way along sightlines toward bright high-mass star-forming regions, and this is the first detection in another galaxy. Similar to Galactic environments, the [CII] absorption feature is associated with [CI] emission, implying that this is diffuse gas shielded from the UV radiation of the clump, and likely at large distances from the clump. Since absorption can only be seen in front of a continuum source, the gas in this structure can definitely be attributed to gas flowing towards the clump. The absorber could be part of a cosmic filament or merger debris being accreted onto the galaxy. We discuss our results also in light of the on-going debate of the origin of the [CII] deficit in dusty star-forming galaxies.}, added-at = {2016-10-06T10:25:25.000+0200}, author = {Nesvadba, N. and Kneissl, R. and Canameras, R. and Boone, F. and Falgarone, E. and Frye, B. and Gerin, M. and Koenig, S. and Lagache, G. and Floc'h, E. Le and Malhotra, S. and Scott, D.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/22e3d3308117fd104bc7775de598a1e91/miki}, description = {[1610.01169] Planck's Dusty GEMS. II. Extended [CII] emission and absorption in the Garnet at z=3.4 seen with ALMA}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201629037}, interhash = {94d244279959ccf32fd7b64d44555a22}, intrahash = {2e3d3308117fd104bc7775de598a1e91}, keywords = {absorption alma emission}, note = {cite arxiv:1610.01169Comment: A&A 593, L2}, timestamp = {2016-10-06T10:25:25.000+0200}, title = {Planck's Dusty GEMS. II. Extended [CII] emission and absorption in the Garnet at z=3.4 seen with ALMA}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1610.01169}, year = 2016 } @misc{geach2016observations, abstract = {We present new Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) 850um continuum observations of the original Lyman-alpha Blob (LAB) in the SSA22 field at z=3.1 (SSA22-LAB01). The ALMA map resolves the previously identified submillimeter source into three components with total flux density S_850 = 1.68+/-0.06 mJy, corresponding to a star formation rate of ~150 M_sun/yr. The submillimeter sources are associated with several faint (m~27 mag) rest-frame ultraviolet sources identified in Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) clear filter imaging (~5850A). One of these companions is spectroscopically confirmed with Keck MOSFIRE to lie within 20 projected kpc and 250 km/s of one of the ALMA components. We postulate that some of these STIS sources represent a population of low-mass star-forming satellites surrounding the central submillimeter sources, potentially contributing to their growth and activity through accretion. Using a high resolution cosmological zoom simulation of a 10^13 M_sun halo at z=3, including stellar, dust and Ly-alpha radiative transfer, we can model the ALMA+STIS observations and demonstrate that Ly-alpha photons escaping from the central submillimeter sources are expected to resonantly scatter in neutral hydrogen, the majority of which is predicted to be associated with halo substructure. We show how this process gives rise to extended Ly-alpha emission with similar surface brightness and morphology to observed giant LABs.}, added-at = {2016-08-11T10:35:26.000+0200}, author = {Geach, J. E. and Narayanan, D. and Matsuda, Y. and Hayes, M. and Mas-Ribas, Ll. and Dijkstra, M. and Steidel, C. C. and Chapman, S. C. and Feldmann, R. and Avison, A. and Agertz, O. and Ao, Y. and Birkinshaw, M. and Bremer, M. N. and Clements, D. L. and Dannerbauer, H. and Farrah, D. and Harrison, C. M. and Hine, N. K. and Kubo, M. and Michalowski, M. J. and Scott, Douglas and Smith, D. J. B. and Spaans, M. and Simpson, J. M. and Swinbank, A. M. and Taniguchi, Y. and van Kampen, E. and van der Werf, P. and Verma, A. and Yamada, T.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/270a82e083638debf3457a557ae3e8b78/miki}, description = {[1608.02941] ALMA observations of Lyman-alpha Blob 1: halo sub-structure illuminated from within}, interhash = {6916049a42b7b8dfe0e1b25bff6c39b7}, intrahash = {70a82e083638debf3457a557ae3e8b78}, keywords = {alma emission halo lab lya}, note = {cite arxiv:1608.02941Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ}, timestamp = {2016-08-11T10:35:26.000+0200}, title = {ALMA observations of Lyman-alpha Blob 1: halo sub-structure illuminated from within}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1608.02941}, year = 2016 } @misc{kitayama2016sunyaevzeldovich, abstract = {We present the first image of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) obtained by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Combining 7-m and 12-m arrays in Band 3, we create an SZE map toward a galaxy cluster RXJ1347.5-1145 with 5 arc-second resolution (corresponding to the physical size of 20 kpc/h), the highest angular and physical spatial resolutions achieved to date for imaging the SZE, while retaining extended signals out to 40 arc-seconds. The 1-sigma statistical sensitivity of the image is 0.017 mJy/beam or 0.12 mK_CMB at the 5 arc-second full width at half maximum. The SZE image shows a good agreement with an electron pressure map reconstructed independently from the X-ray data and offers a new probe of the small-scale structure of the intracluster medium. Our results demonstrate that ALMA is a powerful instrument for imaging the SZE in compact galaxy clusters with unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity. As the first report on the detection of the SZE by ALMA, we present detailed analysis procedures including corrections for the missing flux, to provide guiding methods for analyzing and interpreting future SZE images by ALMA.}, added-at = {2016-08-01T09:54:30.000+0200}, author = {Kitayama, T. and Ueda, S. and Takakuwa, S. and Tsutsumi, T. and Komatsu, E. and Akahori, T. and Iono, D. and Izumi, T. and Kawabe, R. and Kohno, K. and Matsuo, H. and Ota, N. and Suto, Y. and Takizawa, M. and Yoshikawa, K.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/25476537a72de5dbd0c8448baa5d7f386/miki}, description = {[1607.08833] The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect at Five Arc-seconds: RXJ1347.5-1145 Imaged by ALMA}, interhash = {29ff18adcf325db9a1d8c580d2d059a3}, intrahash = {5476537a72de5dbd0c8448baa5d7f386}, keywords = {alma cluster effect sz}, note = {cite arxiv:1607.08833Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in PASJ}, timestamp = {2016-08-01T09:54:30.000+0200}, title = {The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect at Five Arc-seconds: RXJ1347.5-1145 Imaged by ALMA}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.08833}, year = 2016 } @misc{oteo2016almacal, abstract = {We present ALMA ultra-high-spatial resolution ($\sim 20 \, {\rm mas}$) observations of dust continuum at $920 \, {\rm \mu m}$ and $1.2 \, {\rm mm}$ in a pair of submm galaxies (SMGs) at $z = 3.442$, ALMACAL-1 (A-1: $S_{\rm 870 \mu m} = 6.5 \pm 0.2 \, {\rm mJy}$) and ALMACAL-2 (A-2: $S_{\rm 870 \mu m} = 4.4 \pm 0.2 \, {\rm mJy}$). The spectroscopic redshifts of A-1 and A-2 have been confirmed via serendipitous detection of up to nine emission lines. Our ultra-high-spatial resolution data reveal that about half of the star formation in each of these starbursts is dominated by a single compact clump (FWHM size of $\sim 350 \, {\rm pc}$). This structure is confirmed by independent datasets at $920 \, {\rm \mu m}$ and $1.2 \, {\rm mm}$. The star-formation rate (SFR) surface densities of all these clumps are extremely high, $\Sigma_{\rm SFR} \sim 1200$ to $\sim 3000 \, {M_\odot \, {\rm yr}^{-1} \, {\rm kpc}^{-2}}$, the highest found in high-redshift galaxies. There is a small probability that A-1 and A-2 are the lensed components of a background source gravitationally amplified by the blazar host. If this was the case, the effective radius of the source would be $R_{\rm eff} \sim 40 \, {\rm pc}$, and the de-magnified SFR surface density would be $\Sigma_{\rm SFR} \sim 10000 \, {M_\odot \, {\rm yr}^{-1} \, {\rm kpc}^{-2}}$, comparable with the eastern nucleus of Arp 220. Despite being unable to rule out an AGN contribution, our results suggest that a significant percentage of the enormous far-IR luminosity in some dusty starbursts is concentrated in very small star-forming regions. The high $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ in our pair of SMGs could only be measured thanks to the ultra-high-resolution ALMA observations used in this work, demonstrating that long-baseline observations are essential to study and interpret the properties of dusty starbursts in the early Universe.}, added-at = {2016-07-25T10:18:16.000+0200}, author = {Oteo, I. and Zwaan, M. A. and Ivison, R. J. and Smail, I. and Biggs, A. D.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2ff3c4f8f2ccf22f882c642a9414c87f4/miki}, description = {[1607.06464] ALMACAL II: Extreme star-formation-rate densities in a pair of dusty starbursts at $z = 3.442$ revealed by ALMA 20-milliarcsec resolution imaging}, interhash = {900d7b4bee67a05fc2a0519551f011b3}, intrahash = {ff3c4f8f2ccf22f882c642a9414c87f4}, keywords = {alma compact forming galaxies high resolution star}, note = {cite arxiv:1607.06464Comment: Submitted to ApJ. Comments are welcome}, timestamp = {2016-07-25T10:18:16.000+0200}, title = {ALMACAL II: Extreme star-formation-rate densities in a pair of dusty starbursts at $z = 3.442$ revealed by ALMA 20-milliarcsec resolution imaging}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06464}, year = 2016 } @misc{bouwens2016spectroscopic, abstract = {We make use of deep 1.2mm-continuum observations (12.7microJy/beam RMS) of a 1 arcmin^2 region in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field to probe dust-enshrouded star formation from 330 Lyman-break galaxies spanning the redshift range z=2-10 (to ~2-3 Msol/yr at 1sigma over the entire range). Given the depth and area of ASPECS, we would expect to tentatively detect 35 galaxies extrapolating the Meurer z~0 IRX-beta relation to z>~2 (assuming T_d~35 K). However, only 6 tentative detections are found at z>~2 in ASPECS, with just two at >>3sigma. Subdividing z=2-10 galaxies according to stellar mass, UV luminosity, and UV-continuum slope and stacking the results, we only find a significant detection in the most massive (>10^9.75 Msol) subsample, with an infrared excess (IRX=L_{IR}/L_{UV}) consistent with previous z~2 results. However, the infrared excess we measure from our large selection of sub-L* (<10^9.75 Msol) galaxies is 0.11(-0.42)(+0.32) and 0.14(-0.14)(+0.15) at z=2-3 and z=4-10, respectively, lying below even an SMC IRX-beta relation (95% confidence). These results demonstrate the importance of stellar mass for predicting the IR luminosity of z>~2 galaxies. We furthermore find that the evolution of IRX-stellar mass relationship depends on the evolution of the dust temperature. If the dust temperature increases monotonically with redshift (as (1+z)^0.32) such that T_d~44-50 K at z>=4, current results are suggestive of little evolution in this relationship to z~6. We use these results to revisit recent estimates of the z>~3 SFR density. One less obvious implication is in interpreting the high Halpha EWs seen in z~5 galaxies: our results imply that star-forming galaxies produce Lyman-continuum photons at twice the efficiency (per unit UV luminosity) as implied in conventional models. Star-forming galaxies can then recognize the Universe, even if the escape fraction is <10%.}, added-at = {2016-06-17T09:48:52.000+0200}, author = {Bouwens, Rychard and Aravena, Manuel and Decarli, Roberto and Walter, Fabian and da Cunha, Elisabete and Labbe, Ivo and Bauer, Franz and Bertoldi, Frank and Carilli, Chris and Chapman, Scott and Daddi, Emanuele and Hodge, Jacqueline and Ivison, Rob and Karim, Alex and Fevre, Olivier Le and Magnelli, Benjamin and Ota, Kazuaki and Riechers, Dominik and Smail, Ian and van der Werf, Paul and Weiss, Axel and Cox, Pierre and Elbaz, David and Gonzalez-Lopez, Jorge and Infante, Leopoldo and Oesch, Pascal and Wagg, Jeff and Wilkins, Steve}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2fe5801b65d6a2dcc9b963e1dc8b7522a/miki}, description = {[1606.05280] ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The Infrared Excess of UV-selected z=2-10 galaxies as a function of UV-continuum Slope and Stellar Mass}, interhash = {fe8a24d8accf198df1e84460598b0c5e}, intrahash = {fe5801b65d6a2dcc9b963e1dc8b7522a}, keywords = {alma dust high-z lbg sfr}, note = {cite arxiv:1606.05280Comment: 31 pages, 16 figures, 13 tables, incorporating the first feedback from the referee on our submitted ApJ manuscript, paper VI of the ASPECS (ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field) series}, timestamp = {2016-06-17T09:48:52.000+0200}, title = {ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The Infrared Excess of UV-selected z=2-10 galaxies as a function of UV-continuum Slope and Stellar Mass}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.05280}, year = 2016 } @misc{dunlop2016image, abstract = {We present the results of the first, deep ALMA imaging covering the full 4.5 sq arcmin of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) as previously imaged with WFC3/IR on HST. Using a mosaic of 45 pointings, we have obtained a homogeneous 1.3mm image of the HUDF, achieving an rms sensitivity of 35 microJy, at a resolution of 0.7 arcsec. From an initial list of ~50 >3.5sigma peaks, a rigorous analysis confirms 16 sources with flux densities S(1.3) > 120 microJy. All of these have secure galaxy counterparts with robust redshifts ( = 2.15), and 12 are also detected at 6GHz in new deep JVLA imaging. Due to the wealth of supporting data in this unique field, the physical properties of the ALMA sources are well constrained, including their stellar masses (M*) and UV+FIR star-formation rates (SFR). Our results show that stellar mass is the best predictor of SFR in the high-z Universe; indeed at z > 2 our ALMA sample contains 7 of the 9 galaxies in the HUDF with M* > 2 x 10^10 Msun and we detect only one galaxy at z > 3.5, reflecting the rapid drop-off of high-mass galaxies with increasing redshift. The detections, coupled with stacking, allow us to probe the redshift/mass distribution of the 1.3-mm background down to S(1.3) ~ 10 micro-Jy. We find strong evidence for a steep `main sequence' for star-forming galaxies at z ~ 2, with SFR \propto M* and a mean specific SFR = 2.2 /Gyr. Moreover, we find that ~85% of total star formation at z ~ 2 is enshrouded in dust, with ~65% of all star formation at this epoch occurring in high-mass galaxies (M* > 2 x 10^10 Msun), for which the average obscured:unobscured SF ratio is ~200. Finally, we combine our new ALMA results with the existing HST data to revisit the cosmic evolution of star-formation rate density; we find that this peaks at z ~ 2.5, and that the star-forming Universe transits from primarily unobscured to primarily obscured thereafter at z ~ 4.}, added-at = {2016-06-02T09:58:31.000+0200}, author = {Dunlop, J. S. and McLure, R. J. and Biggs, A. D. and Geach, J. E. and Michalowski, M. J. and Ivison, R. J. and Rujopakarn, W. and van Kampen, E. and Kirkpatrick, A. and Pope, A. and Scott, D. and Swinbank, A. M. and Targett, T. A. and Aretxaga, I. and Austermann, J. E. and Best, P. N. and Bruce, V. A. and Chapin, E. L. and Charlot, S. and Cirasuolo, M. and Coppin, K. E. K. and Ellis, R. S. and Finkelstein, S. L. and Hayward, C. C. and Hughes, D. H. and Ibar, E. and Khochfar, S. and Koprowski, M. P. and Narayanan, D. and Papovich, C. and Peacock, J. A. and Robertson, B. and Vernstrom, T. and van der Werf, P. P. and Wilson, G. W. and Yun, M.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2046e28e4dd974d648f920c89023b4e01/miki}, description = {[1606.00227] A deep ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field}, interhash = {b0b7102a12aa7d36e54e7913d93ca6bc}, intrahash = {046e28e4dd974d648f920c89023b4e01}, keywords = {alma deep dust field sfr}, note = {cite arxiv:1606.00227Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, submitted to MNRAS}, timestamp = {2016-06-02T09:58:31.000+0200}, title = {A deep ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.00227}, year = 2016 } @misc{neeleman2016first, abstract = {We present the first detection of molecular emission from a galaxy selected to be near a projected background quasar using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The ALMA detection of CO(1$-$0) emission from the $z=0.101$ galaxy toward quasar PKS 0439-433 is coincident with its stellar disk and yields a molecular gas mass of $M_{\rm mol} \approx 4.2 \times 10^9 M_\odot$ (for a Galactic CO-to-H$_2$ conversion factor), larger than the upper limit on its atomic gas mass. We resolve the CO velocity field, obtaining a rotational velocity of $134 \pm 11$ km s$^{-1}$, and a resultant dynamical mass of $\geq 4 \times 10^{10} M_\odot$. Despite its high metallicity and large molecular mass, the $z=0.101$ galaxy has a low star formation rate, implying a large gas consumption timescale, larger than that typical of late-type galaxies. Most of the molecular gas is hence likely to be in a diffuse extended phase, rather than in dense molecular clouds. By combining the results of emission and absorption studies, we find that the strongest molecular absorption component toward the quasar cannot arise from the molecular disk, but is likely to arise from diffuse gas in the galaxy's circumgalactic medium. Our results emphasize the potential of combining molecular and stellar emission line studies with optical absorption line studies to achieve a more complete picture of the gas within and surrounding high-redshift galaxies.}, added-at = {2016-04-21T09:42:53.000+0200}, author = {Neeleman, M. and Prochaska, J. X. and Zwaan, M. A. and Kanekar, N. and Christensen, L. and Dessauges-Zavadsky, M. and Fynbo, J. P. U. and van Kampen, E. and Møller, P. and Zafar, T.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/20b0342531dae1627afb78c937107dd22/miki}, description = {[1604.05720] First Connection between Cold Gas in Emission and Absorption: CO Emission from a Galaxy-Quasar Pair}, interhash = {eed76b219fea66bc9dda15d59e6dcfb5}, intrahash = {0b0342531dae1627afb78c937107dd22}, keywords = {alma co dla}, note = {cite arxiv:1604.05720Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, published in ApJL}, timestamp = {2016-04-21T09:42:53.000+0200}, title = {First Connection between Cold Gas in Emission and Absorption: CO Emission from a Galaxy-Quasar Pair}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.05720}, year = 2016 } @misc{knudsen2016emission, abstract = {The far-infrared fine-structure line [CII] at 1900.5GHz is known to be one of the brightest cooling lines in local galaxies, and therefore it has been suggested to be an efficient tracer for star-formation in very high-redshift galaxies. However, recent results for galaxies at $z>6$ have yielded numerous non-detections in star-forming galaxies, except for quasars and submillimeter galaxies. We report the results of ALMA observations of two lensed, star-forming galaxies at $z = 6.029$ and $z=6.703$. The galaxy A383-5.1 (star formation rate [SFR] of 3.2 M$_\odot$yr$^{-1}$ and magnification of $\mu = 11.4$) shows a line detection with $L_{\rm [CII]} = 8.3\times10^{6}$ L$_\odot$, making it the so far lowest $L_{\rm [CII]}$ ever detected at $z>6$. For MS0451-H (SFR = 0.4M$_\odot$yr$^{-1}$ and $\mu = 100\pm20$) we provide an upper limit of $L_{\rm [CII]} < 3\times10^{5}$ L$_\odot$, which is 1\,dex below the local SFR-$L_{\rm [CII]}$ relations. The results are consistent with predictions for low-metallicity galaxies at $z>6$, however, other effects could also play a role in terms of decreasing $L_{\rm [CII]}$. The detection of A383-5.1 is encouraging and suggests that detections are possible, but much fainter than initially predicted.}, added-at = {2016-03-09T09:43:01.000+0100}, author = {Knudsen, Kirsten K. and Richard, Johan and Kneib, Jean-Paul and Jauzac, Mathilde and Clement, Benjamin and Drouart, Guillaume and Egami, Eiichi and Lindroos, Lukas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24d1345fcc133adfff1618e68624e6e3f/miki}, description = {[1603.02277] [CII] emission in z ~ 6 strongly lensed, star-forming galaxies}, interhash = {ece65e1d7583cfd2dae8fd69e00ea87d}, intrahash = {4d1345fcc133adfff1618e68624e6e3f}, keywords = {CII alma high-z lense}, note = {cite arxiv:1603.02277Comment: 5 pages, submitted to MNRAS}, timestamp = {2016-03-09T09:43:01.000+0100}, title = {[CII] emission in z ~ 6 strongly lensed, star-forming galaxies}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.02277}, year = 2016 } @misc{oteo2016witnessing, abstract = {Exploiting the sensitivity and spatial resolution of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), we have studied the morphology and the physical scale of the interstellar medium - both gas and dust - in SGP38326, an unlensed pair of interacting starbursts at $z= 4.425$. SGP38326 is the most luminous star bursting system known at $z > 4$ with an IR-derived ${\rm SFR \sim 4300 \,} M_\odot \, {\rm yr}^{-1}$. SGP38326 also contains a molecular gas reservoir among the most massive ever found in the early Universe, and it is the likely progenitor of a massive, red-and-dead elliptical galaxy at $z \sim 3$. Probing scales of $\sim 0.1"$ or $\sim 800 \, {\rm pc}$ we find that the smooth distribution of the continuum emission from cool dust grains contrasts with the more irregular morphology of the gas, as traced by the [CII] fine structure emission. The gas is also extended over larger physical scales than the dust. The velocity information provided by the resolved [CII] emission reveals that the dynamics of the two components of SGP38326 are compatible with disk-like, ordered rotation, but also reveals an ISM which is turbulent and unstable. Our observations support a scenario where at least a subset of the most distant extreme starbursts are highly dissipative mergers of gas-rich galaxies.}, added-at = {2016-01-29T09:56:25.000+0100}, author = {Oteo, I. and Ivison, R. J. and Dunne, L. and Smail, I. and Swinbank, M. and Zhang, Z-Y. and Lewis, A. and Maddox, S. and Riechers, D. and Serjeant, S. and Van der Werf, P. and Bremer, M. and Cigan, P. and Clements, D. L. and Cooray, A. and Dannerbauer, H. and Eales, S. and Ibar, E. and Messias, H. and Michałowski, M. J. and Pérez-Fournon, I. and van Kampen, E.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/260590a5c833626ed0c1770d67244ecf8/miki}, description = {[1601.07549] Witnessing the birth of the red sequence: ALMA high-resolution imaging of [CII] and dust in two interacting ultra-red starbursts at z = 4.425}, interhash = {b48e936c692023d322ebbd53c07ad211}, intrahash = {60590a5c833626ed0c1770d67244ecf8}, keywords = {alma merger red sequence}, note = {cite arxiv:1601.07549Comment: Submitted to ApJ}, timestamp = {2016-01-29T09:56:25.000+0100}, title = {Witnessing the birth of the red sequence: ALMA high-resolution imaging of [CII] and dust in two interacting ultra-red starbursts at z = 4.425}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1601.07549}, year = 2016 }