@misc{hiss2017measurement, abstract = {We decompose the Lyman-{\alpha} (Ly{\alpha}) forest of an extensive sample of 74 high signal-to-noise ratio and high-resolution quasar spectra into a collection of Voigt profiles. Absorbers located near caustics in the peculiar velocity field have the smallest Doppler parameters, resulting in a low-$b$ cutoff in the $b$-$N_{\text{HI}}$ set by the thermal state of intergalactic medium (IGM). We fit this cutoff as a function of redshift over the range $2.0\leq z \leq 3.4$, which allows us to measure the evolution of the IGM temperature-density ($T= T_0 (\rho/ \rho_0)^{\gamma-1}$) relation parameters $T_0$ and $\gamma$. We calibrate our measurements against Ly$\alpha$ forest simulations, using 21 different thermal models of the IGM at each redshift, also allowing for different values of the IGM pressure smoothing scale. We adopt a forward-modeling approach and self-consistently apply the same algorithms to both data and simulations, propagating both statistical and modeling uncertainties via Monte Carlo. The redshift evolution of $T_0$ shows a suggestive peak at $z=2.8$, while our evolution of $\gamma$ is consistent with $\gamma\simeq 1.4$ and disfavors inverted temperature-density relations. Our measured evolution of $T_0$ and $\gamma$ are generally in good agreement with previous determinations in the literature. Both the peak in the evolution of $T_0$ at $z = 2.8$, as well as the high temperatures $T_0\simeq 15000-20000\,$K that we observe at $2.4 < z < 3.4$, strongly suggest that a significant episode of heating occurred after the end of HI reionization, which was most likely the cosmic reionization of HeII.}, added-at = {2017-10-03T09:57:38.000+0200}, author = {Hiss, Hector and Walther, Michael and Hennawi, Joseph F. and Oñorbe, José and O'Meara, John M. and Rorai, Alberto}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2e6a44747956c7a6378f1ce26b3c54527/miki}, description = {[1710.00700] A New Measurement of the Temperature Density Relation of the IGM From Voigt Profile Fitting}, interhash = {b11888400c25a2a2b191e82bf3e96018}, intrahash = {e6a44747956c7a6378f1ce26b3c54527}, keywords = {IGM density heating temperature}, note = {cite arxiv:1710.00700Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 20 pages, 20 figures, machine readable tables will be made available after publication}, timestamp = {2017-10-03T09:57:38.000+0200}, title = {A New Measurement of the Temperature Density Relation of the IGM From Voigt Profile Fitting}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1710.00700}, year = 2017 } @misc{zhu2017preheating, abstract = {The preheating of intergalactic medium(IGM) by structure collapsing and ultraviolet background(UVB) are investigated in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. When gravitational collapsing is the sole heating mechanism, we find that (1) $60\%, 45\%$ of the IGM are heated up to $S>8, 17$ kev cm$^2$ respectively at $z=0$, but the fractions drop rapidly to a few percents at $z=2$, (2) the entropy of the circum-halo gas $S_{\rm{cir}}$ is higher than the virial entropy for more than $75 \%$ of the halos with masses $M<10^{11.5}$ $M_{\odot}$ since $z=2$, but the fraction higher than the entropy, $S_{\rm{pr}}$, required in preventive model of galaxies formation is only $15-20 \%$ for halos with $M<10^{10.5} M_{\odot}$ at $z=0$, and decreases as redshift increases, (3)assuming a metallicity of $Z \leq 0.03 Z_{\odot}$, the fraction of halos whose circum-halo gas having a cooling time longer than the Hubble time $t_{cool,cir}>t_{\rm{H}}$ is merely $5-10 \%$ at $z \lesssim 0.5$, and even less at $z \geq 1$ for halos with $M<10^{10.5} M_{\odot}$. (4) gas in the filaments undergoes the strongest preheating. Furthermore, we show that the UVB can not enhance the fraction of IGM with $S>17$ kev cm$^2$, but can increase the fraction of low mass halos($<10^{10.5} M_{\odot}$) that having $S_{\rm{cir}}>S_{\rm{pr}}$ to $\sim 70 \%$ at $z=0$, and that having $t_{\rm{cool, cir}}>t_{\rm{H}}$ to $15-30 \%$ at $z \lesssim 0.5$. Our results indicate that preheating due to gravitational collapsing and UVB are inadequate to fulfil the needs of preventative model, especially for halos with $10^{10.5}