@article{LondonoZapata2009, abstract = {En este texto se presentan algunos aspectos y hallazgos de la investigaci{\'{o}}n: "An{\'{a}}lisis cr{\'{\i}}tico de los discursos evaluativos de los docentes de lengua castellana de los grados d{\'{e}}cimo (10º) y once (11º), de algunas instituciones educativas de Ibagu{\'{e}}" (2007). Para llevar a cabo lo anterior, se expone, a manera de introducci{\'{o}}n, algunos aspectos generales del estudio discursivo; en forma seguida, se plantea la postura te{\'{o}}rica empleada como eje investigativo y argumental de la interpretaci{\'{o}}n y el an{\'{a}}lisis de las muestras. De igual manera, se presenta el an{\'{a}}lisis cr{\'{\i}}tico de algunas muestras discursivas evaluativas orales y escritas, y en {\'{u}}ltima instancia, las conclusiones y la bibliograf{\'{\i}}a de referencia empleada.}, added-at = {2015-12-01T11:35:13.000+0100}, author = {{Londo{\~{n}}o Zapata}, Oscar Iv{\'{a}}n}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/28d7624b652897139e31eaed4be505c95/sofiagruiz92}, interhash = {9986aec40bc6af2fc656c5817df5d49c}, intrahash = {8d7624b652897139e31eaed4be505c95}, issn = {1886-2438}, journal = {Revista de Ling{\"{u}}{\'{\i}}stica y Lenguas Aplicadas}, keywords = {An{\'{a}}lisis Evaluac Ling{\"{u}}{\'{\i}}stica aplicada del discurso}, language = {spa}, pages = {103--124}, timestamp = {2015-12-01T11:35:13.000+0100}, title = {{Una aproximaci{\'{o}}n al an{\'{a}}lisis cr{\'{\i}}tico de los discursos evalutativos (ACDE)}}, url = {http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=2993225}, year = 2009 } @article{Farreus2012, abstract = {Evaluation of machine translation output is an important task. Various human evaluation techniques as well as automatic metrics have been proposed and investigated in the last decade. However, very few evaluation methods take the linguistic aspect into account. In this article, we use an objective evaluation method for machine translation output that classifies all translation errors into one of the five following linguistic levels: orthographic, morphological, lexical, semantic, and syntactic. Linguistic guidelines for the target language are required, and human evaluators use them in to classify the output errors. The experiments are performed on English-to-Catalan and Spanish-to-Catalan translation outputs generated by four different systems: 2 rule-based and 2 statistical. All translations are evaluated using the 3 following methods: a standard human perceptual evaluation method, several widely used automatic metrics, and the human linguistic evaluation. Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients between the linguistic, perceptual, and automatic results are then calculated, showing that the semantic level correlates significantly with both perceptual evaluation and automatic metrics.}, added-at = {2015-12-01T11:33:23.000+0100}, author = {Farre{\'{u}}s, Mireia and Costa juss{\`{a}}, Marta R and Morse, Maja Popovi{\'{c}}}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/21e936c9cbbc3d89dd3d361da197ee49a/sofiagruiz92}, doi = {10.1002/asi.21674}, interhash = {084d67f7a51e4f198a61b5c135181890}, intrahash = {1e936c9cbbc3d89dd3d361da197ee49a}, issn = {1532-2890}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology}, keywords = {An{\'{a}}lisis Evaluac Traducci{\'{o}}n autom{\'{a}}tica ling{\"{u}}{\'{\i}}stico}, pages = {174--184}, timestamp = {2015-12-01T11:33:23.000+0100}, title = {{Study and correlation analysis of linguistic, perceptual, and automatic machine translation evaluations}}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/asi.21674}, volume = 63, year = 2012 } @book{PWC2012, abstract = {The Government of Canada’s Translation Bureau (‘the Bureau’) engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (‘PwC’) between January 16 and May 15, 2012 to conduct a benchmarking and comparative analysis study. The objectives of the comparative analysis study were to provide: • Information and analysis on the capacity of the Canadian industry to meet national and government demand; and • Benchmarks for good practices in linguistic services with other organizations of comparable size at the national and international level.}, added-at = {2015-12-01T11:33:23.000+0100}, address = {Otawa}, author = {PWC}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2e0c84360b14305b08c83ca1489472032/sofiagruiz92}, interhash = {ea83e983b659c824897af66165ca544e}, intrahash = {e0c84360b14305b08c83ca1489472032}, keywords = {Calidad Evaluac Servicios Traducci{\'{o}}n de traducci{\'{o}}n}, publisher = {PWC}, timestamp = {2015-12-01T11:33:23.000+0100}, title = {{Translation Bureau Benchmarking and Comparative Analysis : Final Report May 15, 2012}}, url = {http://www.btb.gc.ca/publications/documents/rapport-report-benchmarking-eng.pdf}, year = 2012 }