@inproceedings{P:ESWC:2013:GottronSKP, added-at = {2013-04-15T12:17:25.000+0200}, author = {Gottron, Thomas and Scherp, Ansgar and Krayer, Bastian and Peters, Arne}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2ae657e68d3a809c735001324f027ac11/tgottron}, booktitle = {ESWC'13: Proceedings of the 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference}, interhash = {b92295931d828259b9762742f286e3be}, intrahash = {ae657e68d3a809c735001324f027ac11}, keywords = {2013 data demo eswc linked lodatio myown retrieval-system robust-project search search-services search-tactics user-support}, timestamp = {2014-04-16T14:56:59.000+0200}, title = {{LODatio}: {A} {S}chema-{B}ased {R}etrieval {S}ystem for {L}inked {O}pen {D}ata at {W}eb-scale}, url = {http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20411070/Publications/2013-ESWC-Gottron-SKP.pdf}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{P:ESWC:2013:BeckSG, added-at = {2013-04-15T12:16:21.000+0200}, author = {Beck, Nicolas and Scheglmann, Stefan and Gottron, Thomas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2f745c34ec64efa1d8dd53d0537a8a2c8/tgottron}, booktitle = {ESWC'13: Proceedings of the 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference}, interhash = {240672ae7f89f3118c14f823703b1d82}, intrahash = {f745c34ec64efa1d8dd53d0537a8a2c8}, keywords = {2013 demo eswc linda linked-data myown robust-project service statistics}, timestamp = {2014-04-16T14:57:14.000+0200}, title = {{LinDA}: {A} {S}ervice {I}nfrastructure for {L}inked {D}ata {A}nalysis and {P}rovision of {D}ata {S}tatistics}, url = {http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20411070/Publications/2013-ESWC-Beck-SG.pdf}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{CheAlhadi2012LMA, added-at = {2012-04-16T20:32:21.000+0200}, author = {Che Alhadi, Arifah and Gottron, Thomas and Kunegis, Jerome and Naveed, Nasir}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/21e7c2731e5bd2214bfa3a9a16d52ae79/tgottron}, booktitle = {Proc. European Conf. on Information Retrieval Demonstrations}, interhash = {d808b774cca8174188615064be9b1291}, intrahash = {1e7c2731e5bd2214bfa3a9a16d52ae79}, keywords = {demo ecir livetweet myown robust-project}, pages = {569--570}, timestamp = {2012-12-05T11:57:41.000+0100}, title = {LiveTweet: Monitoring and Predicting Interesting Microblog Posts}, url = {http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20411070/Publications/2012-ECIR-CheAlhadi-GKN.pdf}, year = 2012 }