@techreport{Boisvert:685560, added-at = {2010-11-17T13:01:12.000+0100}, address = {Geneva}, author = {Boisvert, V and Calafiura, P and George, S and Polesello, G and Rajagopalan, S and Rousseau, D}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/221e0f07a0d8b58f3644573d47422ee0b/wc}, description = {CERN Document Server: Record#685560: Final Report of the ATLAS Reconstruction Task Force}, institution = {CERN}, interhash = {6d6852308af29ed6639174ed6c032d68}, intrahash = {21e0f07a0d8b58f3644573d47422ee0b}, keywords = {atlas data edm event force model reconstruction task}, month = sep, note = {See http://atlas-proj-rtf.web.cern.ch/ for more information.}, number = {ATL-SOFT-2003-010}, timestamp = {2010-11-17T13:01:12.000+0100}, title = {Final Report of the ATLAS Reconstruction Task Force}, url = {http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/685560/}, year = 2003 } @article{Novaes2000, abstract = { We present a primer on the Standard Model of the electroweak interaction. Emphasis is given to the historical aspects of the theory's formulation. The radiative corrections to the Standard Model are presented and its predictions for the electroweak parameters are compared with the precise experimental data obtained at the Z pole. Finally, we make some remarks on the perspectives for the discovery of the Higgs boson, the most important challenge of the Standard Model. }, added-at = {2010-05-27T04:16:32.000+0200}, author = {Novaes, S. F.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/27beedf565498044977665e682bf55a25/wc}, description = {[hep-ph/0001283] Standard Model: An Introduction}, interhash = {d49eefa4fcae34df5ae2f2663f2e697a}, intrahash = {7beedf565498044977665e682bf55a25}, keywords = {diplom introduction model sm standard}, note = {cite arxiv:hep-ph/0001283Comment: 101 pages, 14 figures, To be published in "Particle and Fields", Proceedings of the X J. A. Swieca Summer School (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000)}, timestamp = {2013-03-24T20:15:41.000+0100}, title = {Standard Model: An Introduction}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0001283}, year = 2000 } @article{RevModPhys.68.951, added-at = {2010-05-26T17:21:30.000+0200}, author = {Cahn, Robert N.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/25d7e170ccb7dbaa85ed328e6b4d782a5/wc}, doi = {10.1103/RevModPhys.68.951}, interhash = {bbf6b4592282c4b7e4e15a0a20878064}, intrahash = {5d7e170ccb7dbaa85ed328e6b4d782a5}, journal = {Rev. Mod. Phys.}, keywords = {diplom model parameters popular sm standard}, month = jul, number = 3, numpages = {8}, pages = {951--959}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013-03-24T20:15:53.000+0100}, title = {The eighteen arbitrary parameters of the standard model in your everyday life}, url = {http://www.hep.yorku.ca/menary/misc/eighteen_parameters_of_sm.ps}, volume = 68, year = 1996 } @book{Feynman:1973xc, added-at = {2010-04-26T21:05:29.000+0200}, author = {Feynman, R. P.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24c2bc2491230bbc41ad64dfc0e356a9e/wc}, description = {SPIRES-HEP: FIND+KEY+6634834}, interhash = {f1435913795016fc8c3266a834a4efee}, intrahash = {4c2bc2491230bbc41ad64dfc0e356a9e}, keywords = {diplom feynman model parton}, note = {Reading 1972, 282p}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, timestamp = {2010-11-17T12:34:48.000+0100}, title = {{Photon-hadron interactions}}, url = {http://www-library.desy.de/cgi-bin/spiface/find/hep/www?key=6634834&FORMAT=WWWBRIEFBIBTEX}, year = 1972 } @article{Andersson2002, abstract = { A brief introduction to the String Fragmentation Model and its consequences is presented. We discuss the fragmentation of a general multi-gluon string and show that it can be formulated as the production of a set of ''plaquettes'' between the hadronic curve and the directrix. We also discuss certain interesting scaling properties of the partonic states obtained from standard parton shower algorithms like those in Pythia and Ariadne, which are communicated to the final state hadrons obtained through our hadronisation procedure. }, added-at = {2010-04-01T02:01:55.000+0200}, author = {Andersson, Bo and Mohanty, Sandipan and Soderberg, Fredrik}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2107dad4776ff9a0fdc088a954384a357/wc}, description = {[hep-ph/0212122] Recent Developments in the Lund Model}, interhash = {db9b4c0554448ea00181d647a5ad00fa}, intrahash = {107dad4776ff9a0fdc088a954384a357}, keywords = {diplom hadronisation lund mc model pythia string}, note = {cite arxiv:hep-ph/0212122 Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the XXXVI Annual Winter School on Nuclear and Particle Physics, St.Petersburg,25 Feb -- 3 Mar 2002. Compiled by S.Mohanty and F.Soderberg from the transparencies of the talk presented by the Late Prof. Bo Andersson}, timestamp = {2010-11-17T12:34:52.000+0100}, title = {Recent Developments in the Lund Model}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0212122}, year = 2002 } @article{hill2010skript, added-at = {2010-03-10T23:24:47.000+0100}, author = {mit Stefanie Hill, Peter Uwer}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2a293187c0ad2599443e25886f7c8db89/wc}, interhash = {b10d570c806686170fc3db768d33b3bd}, intrahash = {a293187c0ad2599443e25886f7c8db89}, keywords = {diplom hu lecture model standard uwer}, timestamp = {2010-11-17T12:34:51.000+0100}, title = {Skript zur Vorlesung Theoretische Einführung in das Standardmodell}, year = 2010 }