@electronic{dreamsongs.com, title = {Innovation Happens Elsewhere by Ron Goldman & Richard P. Gabriel}, url = {http://dreamsongs.com/IHE/IHE-6.html}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/url/bfae2b535b1c9a78a6953b0be9b7d49b/axelklarmann}, keywords = {crwod development innovation open software source sourcing}, added-at = {2010-01-24T21:05:31.000+0100}, description = {Book concerning open source and its licenses, why on should consider it. Especially in conjunction with the quote of 2003 Bill Joy "Innovation happens elsewhere", why open source does matter.}, interhash = {bfae2b535b1c9a78a6953b0be9b7d49b}, intrahash = {bfae2b535b1c9a78a6953b0be9b7d49b} }