%0 Journal Article %1 drecoll_katholische_2011 %A Drecoll, Volker Henning %D 2011 %J Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum %K Katholizismus Patristik {20.Jh.} %P 47--74 %R 10.1515/ZAC.2011.003 %T Die katholische Patrologie an deutschen Universitäten im Jahr 1911 %U http://emedia1.bsb-muenchen.de/han/12664_0/www.reference-global.com/doi/abs/10.1515/ZAC.2011.003 %V 15 %X The article deals with the Professors of Patrology at the eight Catholic Faculties at German State Universities of 1911 (Bonn, Breslau, Freiburg, München, Münster, Straßburg, Tübingen, Würzburg). There were not always regular chairs for Patrology, but often so-called Extraordinariate or similar solutions. The situation in 1911 was deeply shaped by the struggle against the Anti-Modernism-oath, requested by Pius X. in 1910. This influenced especially the career of scholars of Church History and Patrology, who were quite often suspected to be Modernists (as Albert Ehrhard or Joseph Sauer). On the other side, the famous Bardenhewer in Munich was a strong opponent of Modernism (fighting against Josef Schnitzler). The dissertations of this year show that studies in Early Church History were not an exclusive domain of Church Historians, but were even done by scholars of Dogmatics, Pastoral Theology etc. The Patrology of Bardenhewer shows a distinct profile developing an Altkirchliche Literaturgeschichte against Harnack's Altchristliche Literaturgeschichte while Rauschen's small Grundriß der Patrologie was more conciliatory. Franz Joseph Dölger was appointed to a Chair for History of Religions in 1912, and his programme of Antike und Christentum was already recognizable in some of his early writings.