%0 Journal Article %1 noauthororeditor %A R., Oluwaseyi A. O. | Kutelu B. J. | Fakolade O. %D 2023 %J INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TREND IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT %K Bench, Bounce End-point, Height Quarry Rock face, fall, %N 4 %P 229-236 %T Modeling of Technologically Hanged Rocks at the Quarry Face %U https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/mineral-and-metallurgical-engineering/57562/modeling-of-technologically-hanged-rocks-at-the-quarry-face/oluwaseyi-a-o %V 7 %X Rock fall is the act of releasing pieces of rock from bedrock slopes provoked by environmental factors, such as physical and chemical weathering, and vibration caused by rock blasting. The evaluation of the rate at which pieces of rock are released from the Quarry's bench face through modeling in order to prevent possible accidents is necessary. The method used for this investigation involves taking field measurements of the slope height, slope angle, length and width of the bench. Rock samples were also taken from the field to the laboratory to carry out tests to determine the density, friction angle and slope roughness of the rock. With this, the models were made with rock fall program. The zone of the Quarry face prune to affectation by Rock fall was predicted to be 15 m from the bottom crest of the IBD Quarry bench face that was occupied by rock pile and 6.5 m for a face without pile. Also, total kinetic, translational and rotational energies of the falling rocks were modeled at different points of the face the bounce height and end point were determined. Oluwaseyi A. O. | Kutelu B. J. | Fakolade O. R. "Modeling of Technologically Hanged Rocks at the Quarry Face" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-4, August 2023, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd57562.pdf Paper Url:https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/mineral-and-metallurgical-engineering/57562/modeling-of-technologically-hanged-rocks-at-the-quarry-face/oluwaseyi-a-o