%0 Journal Article %1 noauthororeditor %A Tansey, Rachel %D 2017 %E Observatory, Corporate Europe %E LobbyControl, %K Lieferketten Menschenrechte Menschenrechtsabkommen Nachhaltigkeitceta Sorgfaltspflicht Wertschöpfungsketten binding_treaty corporations desinformations-kampagne faire_Produktion freihandel freihandelsabkommen gegner handelspolitik human_rights ngos trade trade-deal ttip %T Blaming the Messenger %U https://corporateeurope.org/sites/default/files/attachments/blaming-the-messenger_updated.pdf %X Corporate lobbies and think tanks have gone on what appears to be a concerted attack against NGOs and others opposing corporate-serving trade and investment deals such as TTIP and CETA. Big business interests with the most to gain from the trade agreements, accuse civil society groups of manipulating the public for financial gain, being backed by Russia, as well as associating them with the far right, and going after their funding. Their attempts to shut down dissent have very worrying implications for democracy.