%0 Conference Paper %1 fischbach2012mixed %A Fischbach, M. %A Treffs, C. %A Cyborra, D. %A Strehler, A. %A Wedler, T. %A Bruder, G. %A Pusch, A. %A Latoschik, M. E. %A Steinicke, F. %B Proceedings of the GI-Workshop VR/AR %D 2012 %K mixed myown reality tangible %P 25--36 %T A Mixed Reality Space for Tangible User Interaction %U http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/10030030/publications/2012f_A_Mixed_Reality_Space_for_Tangible_User_Interaction.pdf %X Recent developments in the eld of semi-immersive display technologies provide new possibilities for engaging users in interactive three-dimensional virtual environments (VEs). For instance, combining low-cost tracking systems (such as the Microsoft Kinect) and multi-touch interfaces enables inexpensive and easily maintainable interactive setups. The goal of this work is to bring together virtual as well as real objects on a stereoscopic multitouch enabled tabletop surface. Therefore, we present a prototypical implementation of such a mixed reality (MR) space for tangible interaction by extending the smARTbox FLBS12. The smARTbox is a responsive touch-enabled stereoscopic out-of-the-box system that is able to track users and objects above as well as on the surface. We describe the prototypical hardand software setup which extends this setup to a MR space, and highlight design challenges for the several application examples.