July 2020 Participant Town Hall

On July 20, 2020 we asked our participants “How Are You?”

We wanted to know how YOU, the FHS participant were, and answer any questions you may have about the status of the Framingham Heart Study as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

On the evening of Monday July 20th, we held a virtual Town Hall meeting open to all Framingham Heart Study participants. Below is a recording of the 90 minute event.



  • Maureen Valentino, FHS Participant Coordinator ([email protected])
  • Emily Manders, FHS Research Examination Manager

Many participants questions’ were answered by our panelists, but we know many more may remain.

We have provided a Frequently Answered Questions Section at the end of this page.

To have your remaining questions answered please email us at [email protected].

We thank you in advance for supporting the Framingham Heart Study.
With our deepest gratitude and warmest regards,

Vasan S. Ramachandran, MD
Principal Investigator, The Framingham Heart Study

Frequently Answered Questions (click “+” )