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peDOCS - Open Access publications for educational science and educational research

Welcome to peDOCS, the repository for educational scientific literature. We offer a continusouly growing stock of publications (currently 27.268) you can access free of charge. Please use the browse or search functionalities on this site when looking for documents. If you are an author and wish to make your publication accessible and persistently archive it on peDOCS, please first read our information for authors. If you as an author or  publisher/data provider wish to co-operate with peDOCS, you can find information here and contact us.

At a glance: Democratic education

  1. Demokratiepädagogik und Diversity Education – pädagogische Konzepte und ihre Bedeutung für die Soziale Arbeit
    Farrokhzad, Schahrzad (2013)
    Article (from a serial)
  2. Vergessene Kinder? Demokratiebildung in Förderschulen. Eine Expertise für das Deutsche Jugendinstitut
    Bittlingmayer, Uwe H.; Gerdes, Jürgen; Yüksel, Gökçen (2020)
    Monograph, Collected Work or primary publication
  3. Demokratische Prozesse in Institutionen früher Bildung. Eine Expertise für das Deutsche Jugendinstitut
    Priebe, Michael (2020)
    Monograph, Collected Work or primary publication

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pedocs on Mastodon
pedocs now hosts its own Mastodon channel, where you can find current topics concerning education science literature in Open Access format. A cross-posting on X will be operated for a transition period before we will post news exclusively on Mastodon.

At a glance on the topic of democratic education
From now on, three random publications from the field of democratic education will be displayed in our category 'at a glance'. New titles are listed each time the homepage is called up.  

DJI brochures and WiFF publications new at pedocs
In cooperation with the German Youth Institute (DJI), the DJI brochures as well as the publications created as part of the Weiterbildungsinitiative Frühpädagogische Fachkräfte (WiFF) are now available at pedocs.  

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