Catching a cold could provide protection against Covid-19, finds study

Research shows exposure to everyday infection could give some individuals ‘a head start’ when battling against coronavirus

A man wearing a protective face mask walks past an illustration of a virus
Scientists stressed that not all colds would provide protection Phil Noble /Reuters

Previous infection with the common cold could give some people in-built protection against Covid-19, a study suggests.

Scientists said the new research appeared to show that exposure to everyday colds could give some individuals “a head start” against Covid-19, so that their immune system was poised to defend the illness more quickly.

The study, by University College London and published in the journal Nature, tracked more than 750 healthcare staff working closely with Covid patients last year, and subjected them to regular tests.

Among them, researchers found a subgroup of 58 who never tested positive for the virus and showed a marked increase in T-cells – a critical component of the immune system.

The immune system has several approaches when fighting off infection. While antibodies can target specific threats, T-cells can offer protection against a wide range of coronaviruses – including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19.

These specialised white blood cells are our body’s first line of defence and stay in a person’s system for several years after being created. XcOUxN64zJU

Dr Leo Swadling, the study author, said that when scientists looked at some individuals who tested negative for Covid-19, despite repeated exposure to it, they were found to have stronger and broader T-cell responses than would be expected – in line with those who had been infected with coronavirus.

“Exposure alone can induce T-cells without these individuals ever becoming PCR positive or having an antibody response,” he said.

Dr Swadling said the previous infection history of such healthcare workers may explain the link.

“Previous common cold exposure may have given these individuals a head start against the virus, tipping the balance in favour of their immune system eliminating the virus before it could start to replicate,” he said.

Scientists stressed that not all colds would provide protection. Around one in 10 common colds are caused by coronaviruses.

But they said that in such cases, the individuals meant they were able to “control the virus before it was detectable”.

“These pre-existing T-cells are poised ready to recognise Sars-CoV-2,” said Dr Swadling.

Researchers said that rather than having avoided infection completely, a subset of healthcare workers appear to have experienced a transient low-level infection, not detectable by routine tests.

Dr Swadling said: “If you think of the continuum of disease outcomes that you can have after exposure to SARS-Cov-2 – from asymptomatic to mild infection and severe disease – what we’ve described is a new level on this spectrum called abortive infection.

“This is where people have been exposed to the virus, inducing a T-cell response, but they control the virus before it becomes detectable by PCR.”

The academics discovered that T-cells are triggered into action by any matter of coronaviruses because they respond to a specific cluster of proteins deep inside the virus itself which are responsible for allowing the virus to replicate.

These so-called RTC proteins are made soon after infection, long before the spike protein is expressed. They are also very similar in all coronaviruses, so once a person has been exposed to one coronavirus, they theoretically have T-cells against all coronaviruses.

“If you think of it as a race against time between the virus and the immune system, what we’ve described is that early pre-existing T-cells, particularly targeting the RTC, can give the immune system a headstart against the virus, leading to very early control blunting viral replication so it’s not detectable and doesn’t induce an antibody response,” they said.

The researchers hope the discovery could allow for a future vaccine to be developed which targets this RTC region and therefore provides immunity against all coronaviruses.

Prof Mala Maini, study co-author from UCL, added: “T-cells recognising the virus’ replication machinery would provide an additional layer of protection to that provided by the spike-focused immunity that is generated by the already highly efficacious current vaccines.

“This dual-action vaccine would provide more flexibility against mutations, and because T-cells can be incredibly long-lived, could also provide longer-lasting immunity.

“By expanding pre-existing T-cells, such vaccines could help to stop the virus in its tracks at a very early stage.”